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Food Industries
Charlotte Spliid Hansen
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Account Statistics for Fishery

The Account Statistics for Fishery is prepared using the same overall principles as the account statistics for agriculture, horticulture and aquaculture. The statistics has been prepared yearly since 1996. Break in series occurs in 2022 due to changes in methods for calculation population cutoff, as well as a new and improved basis for classifying which fishing types the vessels are grouped into. Break in series also occurs in 2001 due to inclusion of unpaid salary to active (working) partners, and in 2009 and again 2012 due to improved calculation of the capital value of fishing rights.

Comparability - geographical

The Account Statistics for Fishery is the basic for the yearly ”Fleet Economic Report” sent to EU DG-Mare Joint Research Centre (JRC). The reported statistics for all Member States fishing fleets is available on the Scientific, Technical and Economic Committee for Fisheries' (STECF’s) web-page: Fleet Economic Performance.

The Scientific, Technical and Economic Committee for Fisheries (STECF) publish the statistics in ”The Annual Economic Report on the EU Fishing Fleet”.

The statistics published by STECF cannot be compared directly with the Danish national statistics. Variables in the EU statistics are more aggregated, and the statistical groups (vessel segments) are different from the Danish statistics, furthermore the EU Fleet statistics include units with revenue below the yearly threshold.

Comparability over time

Fisheries accounting statistics are available from 2001 grouped by vessel segments. For the years 1996 to 2000, other groupings of vessel categories and modes of operation were used when compiling the statistics, which can be found in the StatBank Denmarks archive.

There is a break in the series for 2022, because of a change in the calculation basis for the threshold level, as well as a new and improved basis for classifying which fishing types the vessels are grouped into.

In 2022, the basis for calculating the threshold level has changed from a fixed threshold value to a calculation based on the year's landing values. The population thus covers 98 percent of the business's registered landing value. Vessels with a landing value above the threshold level are included in the population, while vessels with a landing value below the threshold level are not included. This ensures solid coverage of the industry, while also ensuring that the selected vessels keep accounts that can be reported to the statistics. The threshold level in 2023 was DKK 446,504.

In the period 2012 to 2021, the threshold value has not been regulated, and has remained fixed at DKK 270,000.

Before 2012, the threshold level was calculated by a weighted index based on a three-year moving average of the price of 45 fish species. It was the individual unit's total revenue calculated by Standard catch value (=quantity*average price) that determined whether the unit was included in the year's population.

The threshold level in DKK for the years 1996-2011:

1996: 149.880 1997: 158.715 1998: 178.755 1999: 191.055 2000: 195.600 2001: 201.090 2002: 219.195 2003: 230.280 2004: 224.340 2005: 216.735 2006: 229.050 2007: 252.720 2008: 261.795 2009: 245.880 2010: 254.550 2011: 271.305

In 2022, the basis for calculating the classification of fishing type has changed from taking as a starting point a gear use code from the Norwegian Fisheries Agency's vessel register to using knowledge of the actual gear used by the vessel, which is recorded in the vessel's log book. DTU-aqua calculates on the basis of this data which types of fishing the individual vessels use. The most used fishing type defines the type of fishing under which the vessel is classified. This has meant that the seine/net/trawl type of fishing has been discontinued and that the seine wet fishing type for vessels between 15 and 18 meters has been reintroduced.

Other series breaks:

This is a series break in 2012 and 2009 because of a changed calculation of the capital value of fishing quotas. From 2009, the capital value of Vessel Quotas (FKA) in the accounting sample is calculated by the rights holders' registered quota volume at the end of the year multiplied by a model-calculated shadow price. The shadow prices are calculated as the marginal increase in the margin contribution, which occurs when a vessel's catch of the relevant quota stock is increased by 1 kg per year. The coverage contribution is calculated for a period of 16 years (until 2016 the period was eight years) and is converted to present value for the financial year with a discount rate of 4 per cent. The calculation model is described in the Food Economics Institute's Report no. 120. Now the Institute for Food and Resource Economics.

From 2012, the calculation of the capital value has been carried out for each individual company (vessel), in contrast to the years 2009-2011, where the calculation was only carried out for the accounts in the sample, which were subsequently balanced within the statistical groupings. In all accounts for 2012, both reported and simulated, the contained values of Individually Transferable Quotas (IOK) and FKA rights have been replaced with calculated capital values at the beginning and the difference to the reported values is counter-posted in the balance sheet, partly as a value adjustment of the equity, partly as provision for deferred tax.

There is a series break between the years 2000 and 2001 in the accounting statistics for the entire Danish fishing fleet because of a changed calculation method. Previously, the remuneration to working partners was deducted as an operating cost, and the ownership shares were included in the balance sheet as debt capital, but from the year 2001 (both) owners' shares are included in the equity of the fishing company, and in the personally owned fishing companies remuneration to (both) owners is now included in the operating result .

Coherence - cross domain

The Account Statistics for Fishery is based on the same principles as the Account Statistics for Agriculture, Horticulture and Aquaculture.

Coherence - internal

An important task of the data management is to ensure consistence between firms/vessel units in the reported accounts and the units based on the register entities (owners, vessel versions and production data)). Consistency is completed either by adjusting the register based units to the real units in the accounts, or to split up accounts for big fishing firms into vessel unit accounts.