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Food Industries
Henrik Bolding Pedersen
+45 20 57 88 87

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Accounts Statistics by Industry

The main purpose of the accounts statistics for the primary industries is that the results from the primary industries are comparable with the non-agricultural industries.

Internationally the accounts data on agriculture are delivered to FADN while the accounts statistics on fishery and aquaculture is delivered to DG Mare, which compares the results with other EU countries.

Comparability - geographical

The collected data to the agricultural accounts statistics is delivered to FADN. The EU statistics can be seen in the FADN public database.

The accounts statistics for fishery and aquaculture delivers data to EU DG MARE.

Comparability over time

The present statistics are comprised by the same classification as the accounts statistics on non-primary industries and it has been published since 2008 and forward.

A comparable time series, going back to 2008 is based on standard output, SO. Closed time series for agriculture, horticulture and organic farming are published going back to 1990, 1995 and 1996 respectively, but finishing in 2009, with the typology based on standard gross margin, SGM.

A comparable time series for accounts statistics for fishery is calculated back to 1996 while the accounts statistics for aquaculture are comparable back to 2004.

Break in series, regarding 031 fishery, due to changes in calculation of value of quotas. It affects the following variables which is not comparable from 2011 to 2012: Intangibles fixed assets (DKK millions), Fixed assets, total (DKK millions), total assets = total liabilities (DKK millions), Capital and reserves (DKK millions), Provision for liabilities and charges (DKK millions) and all variables concerning Investments. Further information can be found in the quality declaration for fishery accounts statistics.

Coherence - cross domain

The accounts statistics for primary industries is compiled, so the results from the primary industries are comparable with the private non-agricultural industries.

Coherence - internal

Data is based on harmonized accounts.