Accounts Statistics for Non-Agricultural Private Sector
Contact info
Business DynamicsJeppe Strandgaard Herring
+45 24 44 43 06
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Accounts Statistics for Non-Agricultural Private Sector 2023
Accounts Statistics for Non-Agricultural Private Sector 2022
Accounts Statistics for Non-Agricultural Private Sector 2021
Accounts Statistics for Non-Agricultural Private Sector 2020
Accounts Statistics for Non-Agricultural Private Sector 2019
Accounts Statistics for Non-Agricultural Private Sector 2018
Accounts Statistics for Non-Agricultural Private Sector 2017
Accounts Statistics for Non-Agricultural Private Sector 2016
Accounts Statistics for Non-Agricultural Private Sector 2015
Accounts Statistics for Non-Agricultural Private Sector 2014
Accounts Statistics for Non-Agricultural Private Sector 2013
Accounts Statistics for Non-Agricultural Private Sector 2012
The purpose of Accounts statistics is to analyze the activity level and of the structure of the Danish business sector. This means that the statistics should be seen as a primary source of financial data for analytical studies of Danish business enterprises, including data required for the evaluation and conception of Government policies and decisions affecting the business community. Moreover, the accounts statistics are an essential input to the Danish national accounts statistics.
Statistical presentation
The statistics are essentially aggregations of items of the annual accounts of business enterprises, notably items of the profit and loss account, the balance sheet and the statement of fixed assets. The accounting statistics are published in the news from Statistics Denmark and the StatBank.
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Statistical processing
Information is obtained annually from a sample of enterprises using online reporting. The online questionnaire follows the Danish Financial Statements Act as much as possible, and the information obtained undergoes a systematic troubleshooting in Statistics Denmark. Data is supplemented with data from several other sources. Based on the collected and other data, values for all variables are calculated for the full population.
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Applications: studies of business economics, regional finance studies, primary data for the Danish national accounts and for Eurostat's structural business statistics. Users: Public authorities, Eurostat, employers' and employees' federations, private firms, politicians, economists, scientist, journalists and students.
Accuracy and reliability
The statistics provide a reliable picture of the financial situation of the Danish business community, as it is based on a broad sample, administrative data and is based on detailed accounts. Most confident is the statistics at the enterprise level, as the annual accounts are made at this level.
It is assumed that the enterprises in which information is received from SKAT and the Danish Business Authority, in the same industries and with the same ownership form, are comparable with the enterprises in the sample. Furthermore, it is assumed that enterprises with less than 5 employees are comparable to enterprises with 6-10 employees, for enterprises that do not have a large VAT turnover (industry dependent but typically at least DKK 150 million).
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Timeliness and punctuality
The statistics are usually published provisionally approx. 6 months after and finally approx. 12 months after the last closing date (April 30) and usually without delay in relation to the announced time.
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The new type of accounts statistics is largely comparable with, and supplemented by, the SKAT data based accounts statistics which were discontinued after 1998. Statistics Denmark publishes statistics on various subjects related to business accounts, notably VAT-related turnover, manufacturers' sales of commodities, and short-term statistics of order books and sales. However, these statistics are not directly comparable with the accounts statistics, because of differences in units, coverage or concepts.
Accessibility and clarity
The statistics are published in NYT from Statistics Denmark, in Danish and Statbank Denmark. Summaries are given in the Statistical Yearbook and in the Statistical Ten-Year Review.