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Statistical processing

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Population and Education, Social Statistics
Susanne Mainz Sørensen
+45 20 34 51 79

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Adult education and continuing training

Data comes from eight different data collection.

The Ministry of Immigration and Integration collect and checks data for language courses for foreigners before data is send to Statistics Denmark. The Ministry of Education collect and checks data for the adult vocational programmes (in Danish AMU), general and preparatory education and Business Schools before is send to Statistics Denmark. The information from the vocational colleges, business academies, universities and artistic educational institutions is collected by Statistics Denmark After the data has been received, all data undergo an error check in Statistics Denmark.

Source data

Statistics Denmark receive data from folk high schools, university colleges, academies of professional higher education and universities in order to report course activity from approved course providers. As regards course activity at general and preparatory adult education, adult vocational programmes (in Danish AMU) and vocational colleges the Ministry of Education is responsible for data collection. The Ministry of Immigration and Integration is in charge of the data collection concerning Danish language courses for foreigners.

Frequency of data collection

Data is collected once a year.

Data collection

For each area the data collection is a total count. Several electronic devices are used for reporting data.

Data validation

Statistics Denmark checks for missing and inconsistent data. Furthermore data for each reported school is compared with earlier reference periods and with parallel education areas in the current reference period. If data is missing , inconsistent or shows unexpected trends Statistics Denmark contacts the course provider for explanation or correction of data. It is ensured that all course providers report relevant information and no imputation or weighting procedures are undertaken.

Data compilation

In data processing it is ensured that all respondents have delivered data. The developments over time are closely monitored as regards to the numbers of course participants . Also some checks in data processing include making sure that only valid codes are used, the scope of activity is correct, and check between start and end date for the course.

It is ensured that all course providers report relevant information and no imputation or weighting procedures are undertaken.


Only correction as described under data validation and data compilation is carried through.