Statistical processing
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Population and EducationJonas Ellemand
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Data from Statistics Denmark's register of convictions are linked to data from Statistics Denmark's population register.
When data are delivered to this statistics, they are already validated. However, central variables go through a probability check in form of a comparison with data from the previous year.
Source data
The statistics include all convictions which are registered in the Central Criminal Register at the time the extract to Statistics Denmark is done. Data are stored in Statistics Denmarks's Register of Convictions and combined with information from Statistics Denmark's Population Register.
Frequency of data collection
Data collection
Data used in the statistics are from administrative registers.
Data validation
The statistics are based on data from other statistical registers in Statistics Denmark and therefore already validated. However, central variables go through a probability check in form of a comparison with data from the previous year. Efforts are made to provide explanations in case that big deflections in the distribution of key variables occur. For instance changes in the legislation or in the administrative praxis may cause fluctuations in the distributions.
Data compilation
Data from Statistics Denmark's register of convictions are linked to data from Statistics Denmark's population register. Only persons who were residents in Denmark 1 January at the age of 14 have been selected to the statistics. Data on all convictions for violation of the penal code during their lifetime are linked to these persons, among this the types of offences they are convicted for and the total number of convictions.
Each year the statistics are supplemented with a new birth cohort, i.e. persons at the age of 14 by 1 January the year in question. Data on the convictions they have received during the year are linked to these persons. Furthermore, the formerly extracted birth cohorts are updated with information on the convictions they may have received during the year.
No further corrections of data than mentioned in "Data validation" and "Data compilation" are done.