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Book Production

The statistics are not directly comparable with previous publications on book production statistics from the Danish Library Center. There are no international guidelines for compiling book production statistics.

Comparability - geographical

There are no international guidelines for compiling book production statistics.

Comparability over time

Figures on e-books are only complete from 2012. Statistics Denmark has published figures on book production since 2013 for the period 2007 onwards. During the period 2002-2012, the Danish Library Center produced similar statistics. However, the two statistics are not directly comparable, as the Danish Library Center's statistics were based on registration year, while the current statistics are based on publication year. In addition, the current statistics cover both physical products and network products, while the Danish Library Center's book production statistics covered only physical products.

Coherence - cross domain

Not relevant for these statistics.

Coherence - internal

All data used in these statistics is from the Danish Book List.