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Short Term Statistics
Simon Bolding Halifax
+45 51 29 21 91

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Business Cycle Tracer (Discontinued)

Containing time series from 1998 and onwards

The method follows the method established by DG ECFIN, EU. Furthermore see the method description: Konjunkturcyklus-metode (in Danish).

Comparability - geographical

The method follows the method established by DG ECFIN, EU. Furthermore refer to method description in Danish: Konjunkturcyklus-metode.

Comparability over time

Launched October 2013 and containing time series from 1998 and onwards.

Coherence - cross domain

Computed by same method as used by Directorate General for Economic and Financial Affairs (DG ECFIN).

Coherence - internal

Based on Business Tendency Survey. Furthermore refer to method description in Danish: Konjunkturcyklus-metode.