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Statistical presentation

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Childcare after school start

The statistics is an annual inventory of the number of enrolled children and the number of employees with pedagogical assignments in childcare for schoolchildren. The children and young people are measured by municipalities, category of child care, type of ownership and age. The staff are measured by municipalities and positions category. The statistics are published in StatBank Denmark.

Data description

The statistics is an annual inventory of the number of enrolled children and staff in childcare for schoolchildren. The children and young people are measured by municipalities, category of child care, type of ownership and age. The children and young people are counted as enrollments of children and young people in childcare for schoolchildren on the third of October. They are divided into age groups of 1 year intervals. The age group span from 5 - to 18 years. Children and young people under 5 years can occur. The statistics include children and staff from institutions which are created on the Education – or Day Care Act (section 3 and 4). The staff is counted as full time employees on the time of reference.

Classification system

Category of Child Care is divided into • School based leisure time facility • After school centres • Clubs, etc. Type of ownership is divided inti Muncipal and independent and private.

Age is divided into intervals from under 5 years until 18 years.

Sector coverage

Institutions with childcare for children in school in Denmark.

Statistical concepts and definitions

Clients: The number of children or young people that on the day of counting participated in a type of day care. The clients are counted in 1 year groups.

Staff: The staff in the day care. The staff can be counted on the level of municipality and type of day care but not to a specific institution.

Statistical unit

The statistical units are children and young people as well as employed educational staff calculated in full-time equivalents.

Statistical population

All children and young persons who at the day of counting was in a formal type of day care.

Reference area


Time coverage

The statistics covers from 2015 and forward

Base period

Not relevant for these statistics.

Unit of measure


Reference period

The reference period is the 3rd. of October in the counting year. For 2022 that is the 3rd of October 2022.

Frequency of dissemination


Legal acts and other agreements

The Act on Statistics Denmark (Lov om Danmarks Statistik), Sections 6 and 8.

Cost and burden

The response burden has not been estimated. The burden is dependent on to which degree the data can be collected electronically. However, information are gathered directly from those institutions, which do not report through normal electronic reporting.


Further information can be found at the subject page for these statistics, or by contacting Statistics Denmark directly.