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Accuracy and reliability

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Government Finances
Jesper Søgaard Dreesen
+45 51 64 92 61

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Consumer Credit

The statistic covers all providers of consumer credit and debit payments and the response rate is 100 per cent. There will be no revisions to the statistics. However, there may be some uncertainty associated with coverage error, and measurement error due to new providers and ongoing product development in the industry.

Overall accuracy

Overall, the statistic will be underestimated since the part of the population not part of the target population is avoided due to an ongoing correction of the population. Some statistical uncertainty is related to the subdividing: the continuously development of new lending facilities in the market might give problems for the companies to categorize certain type of loans.

Sampling error

Not relevant for these statistics.

Non-sampling error

There might be some uncertainty connected to the degree of coverage. In co-operation with the trade associations of the reporting units, the reporting population is currently revised in order to achieve and maintain the highest possible degree of coverage. However, as the degree of organization is not known in this area, it is possible that large companies, which are not members of the trade associations, may have operated in the market over some period of time without having been included in the reporting population.

Over-coverage for this statistic may be instances where a business receives deposits. In the event that a company goes from not receiving deposits to accepting deposits, this business is deleted from the statistic. It is estimated that these companies is sorted out before publication, so the Over-coverage is considered to be zero.

Quality management

Statistics Denmark follows the recommendations on organisation and management of quality given in the Code of Practice for European Statistics (CoP) and the implementation guidelines given in the Quality Assurance Framework of the European Statistical System (QAF). A Working Group on Quality and a central quality assurance function have been established to continuously carry through control of products and processes.

Quality assurance

Statistics Denmark follows the principles in the Code of Practice for European Statistics (CoP) and uses the Quality Assurance Framework of the European Statistical System (QAF) for the implementation of the principles. This involves continuous decentralized and central control of products and processes based on documentation following international standards. The central quality assurance function reports to the Working Group on Quality. Reports include suggestions for improvement that are assessed, decided and subsequently implemented.

Quality assessment

Statistics accuracy and reliability is considered to be good. Based on the response rate of 100 percent, and the way the statistics are designed. However, there may be some uncertainty associated with coverage error, and measurement error due to new players and ongoing product development in the industry.

Data revision - policy

Statistics Denmark revises published figures in accordance with the Revision Policy for Statistics Denmark. The common procedures and principles of the Revision Policy are for some statistics supplemented by a specific revision practice.

Data revision practice

Only final figures are published.