Statistical presentation
The statistic of home nursing has information on number of visits and recipients of home nursing and on services delivered on types. The statistic is published in three tables in StatBank Denmark.
Data description
Home nursing is one of several areas in the municipal health care. The other areas are prevention and advancement, rehabilitation following discharge from hospital, alcohol and drug abuse and children´s health.
The statistic was first published on March 23rd 2016 with monthly data on municipalities showing:
- Visits by home nurses or delegates (compiled by Statistics Denmark according to time of delivered service)
- Recipients of visits by home nurses or delegates. Furthermore an indicator of recipients compared to population size is presented.
- Home nursing services delivered. These services is also divided by type of service.
With the arrangement about the economy for 2006 for the municipalities a cross-public co-operation started, which has to ensure a coherent documentation on important areas of municipal services. One of these areas was municipality health, which encompass home nursing. Statistics Denmark (in cooperation with The National Board on Health) were responsible for compiling and publishing indicators on municipal health care. Indicators for home nursing were published for the years 2011-2013.
In the origin four home nursing indicators was published:
- Net current expenditure on home nursing care (DKK per inhabitant)
- Recipients of visits by district nurses (number per 1,000 inhabitants)
- Visits by district nurses per recipient per month, by type of service
- Preventive hospitalization of recipients of visits by district nurses by cause and region (percent)
Classification system
Municipality, region and country. The type of home nursing service is categorized according to nurse specific areas (before 2013).
Sector coverage
The municipal sector.
Statistical concepts and definitions
Visits of home nursing: Visits of home nursing is compiled by Statistics Denmark. Visits can be conducted by other staff members than educated nurses.
Recipients of home nursing: The number of citizens who receive home nursing services is transmitted to Statistics Denmark each month for each municipality via their care systems. However data are missing from some municipalities, and there can be periods, where data from a municipality also is missing. This can be due to changes of the care system provider etc.
Home nursing services: Home nursing services are provided by the municipality according to 'the law of health' (Sundhedsloven). The services are divided in types (12 types, 'other' and 'acute'). Please notice, that the types are according to the guidelines in 2005 and not the latest guideline from 2013.
Statistical unit
Visits, recipiants and services.
Statistical population
Recipients of home nursing care. Citizens who receive home nursing care from the municipality according to the law of health (”Sundhedsloven”).
Reference area
Time coverage
From January 2014 to December 2015.
Base period
Not relevant for these statistics.
Unit of measure
The unit i number for visits, recipients and services. The unit for type of service is per cent. Recipients are also presented in the unit number per 1,000 inhabitants.
Reference period
01-01-2014 - 31-12-2015
Frequency of dissemination
Legal acts and other agreements
Information on home nursing from the care systems of the municipalities is collected according to "Økonomiaftalen" for 2006 between the Departement of Finance and the Local Government Denmark (KL).
There is no EU-regulation.
Cost and burden
The statistics are based on data automatically transferred from the municipalities. There is no direct respondent burden.
On the homepage home nursing further information on these statistics is available.