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Food Industries
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Economic Accounts for Agriculture

The Economic Accounts for Agriculture is relevant for the Danish authorities especially the Ministry of Environment and Food of Denmark, EU and the agricultural organizations, so they can follow the development in the economic activities in the agricultural sector. It is also an input to the National Accounts.

User Needs

The Economic Accounts for Agriculture is relevant for the Danish authorities especially the Ministry of Environment and Food of Denmark, EU and the agricultural organizations, so they can follow the development in the economic activities in the agricultural sector. It is also an input to the National Accounts.

User Satisfaction

There is a user committee for agricultural statistics and a working group for account statistics for agriculture, where the users have the possibility to comment on the Economic Accounts for Agriculture. There is also a user comittee for economic statistics, where the National Accounts are discussed. The users are satisfied with the statistics.

Data completeness rate

The Economic Accounts of Agriculture are in full compliance with all regulations and EU data deliveries.