Economy-wide material flow accounts
Contact info
National Accounts, Climate and EnvironmentLeif Hoffmann
+45 23 69 58 63
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Economy-wide material flow accounts 2022
Economy-wide material flow accounts 2021
Economy-wide material flow accounts 2020
Economy-wide material flow accounts 2019
Economy-wide material flow accounts 2018
Economy-wide material flow accounts 2017
Economy-wide material flow accounts 2016
Economy-wide material flow accounts 2014
Economy-wide material flow accounts 2013
The material flow accounts can be used to describe and understand the interaction between the country's economy and the consumption of natural resources. In the material flow accounts, the weight of the materials used in the country's economy as a whole is calculated. Additionally, the total amount of resources globally extracted to produce the materials and goods used in the economy is estimated using raw material equivalents. Material flow accounts measured by weight have been compiled since 2014 and contain published data from 1993 onwards. Material flow accounts measured in raw material equivalents are available from 2008 onwards.
Statistical presentation
The material flow accounts are an annual report on the weight of Danish resource extraction, as well as the import and export of goods and natural resources distributed by material types, while the raw material equivalents indicate the amount of raw materials globally used to produce the goods included in the material flow accounts. In both accounts, three derived indicators are also calculated, namely direct material input, domestic material consumption, and physical trade balance. Raw material equivalents are also calculated for imported and exported goods and services.
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Statistical processing
The EW-MFA and the RME are compiled on the basis of internal sources on resource extraction, import and export The RME account is based on modelling.
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The Material Flow Accounts and raw material equivalents are relevant for anyone seeking information on the relationship between the economy and the use of natural resources. The results are pertinent for analyses of sustainable resource consumption, as domestic material consumption serves as an indicator for two of the UN's sustainability goals. The accounts are requested by ministries, agencies, consulting firms, among others. The accounts are part of the European environmental economic accounts collected by Eurostat.
Accuracy and reliability
The overall Material Flow Accounts are based on a range of well-established official statistics. However, the information about the weight of different material types relies in some cases on conversion factors from other units, introducing uncertainty. Additionally, the raw material equivalents are based on a relatively new calculation method involving model calculations and a wide range of assumptions and estimates. Consequently, these figures are associated with greater uncertainty and primarily express orders of magnitude.
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Timeliness and punctuality
The statistics are published three years and three months after the end of the reference period. The statistics are typically published without delays compared to the planned timing.
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The Material Flow Account follows the UN's standard for environmental economic accounts, the System of Environmental Economic Accounting (SEEA). Therefore, the account is comparable to other countries' Material Flow Accounts that adhere to the same guidelines.
Accessibility and clarity
These statistics are in a Danish press release. In the StatBank, these statistics can be found under the subject Material flows and waste. In addition the statistics has a subject page.