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National Accounts, Climate and Environment
Leif Hoffmann
+45 23 69 58 63

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Emission Accounts

The industry classification in the tables is the same as the one used in the national accounts. The tables can therefore be compared to other statistics based on the industry classification. Accounts are compiled in form of time series. For example accounts for air emissions are available for each year from 1990 until the last year that is published. Accounts are consistent and fully comparable within these years. On the more aggregated level (NACE 64), the Danish accounts are comparable with accounts of other EU countries compiled according to the Regulation no. 691/2011 on European environmental economic accounts.

Comparability - geographical

Internationally there is a high degree of comparability with other countries, as the Danish Environmental accounts follow the same principles and methods as described in SEEA- framework.

Comparability over time

Time series for Air Emission Accounts are revised back in time in connection with each publication. Data thus can be different compared with earlier publications, but there is full conceptual consistency and comparability over time within a publication.

Coherence - cross domain

Air Emission Accounts follow the same industry classifications and boundaries as National Accounts. Therefore it is possible to combine the data on emissions with other statistical data that follow the same industry classifications. The emission account for the year T - 1 is based on submissions to UNECE published on February 15 and on submission to UNFCCC published on April 15.

Coherence - internal

It is ensured that data is internally consistent.