Statistical processing
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Labour MarketPernille Stender
+45 24 92 12 33
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Information about graduates within arts and culture is reported to Statistics Denmark by the institutions of higher education within arts and culture. The information is complemented with information from the populations statistics, the educational statistics, the register-based labour force statistics , the register-based unemployment statistics and the income statistic.
Source data
Information about graduates within arts and culture is reported to Statistics Denmark by the institutions of higher education within arts and culture. The information is complemented with information from the populations statistics, the educational statistics, the register-based labour force statistics , the register-based unemployment statistics and the income statistic.
Frequency of data collection
The statistic is yearly.
Data collection
Information about graduates within arts and culture is reported to Statistics Denmark by the institutions of higher education within arts and culture once every year.
Data validation
The populations of students and the final results are validated.
Data compilation
When data from the educational institutions have been collected for the latest year, these are gathered together with information about the graduates from the latest nine year (which earlier has been reported by the educational institutions). Afterwards data is linked to the population register to ensure that the graduates live in Denmark and the educational register to ensure that the graduates are not continuing education. A bachelor who continue education with the aim to take a master degree is therefore not part of the statistics. Thereafter data is linked to the register-based labour force statistics, the register-based unemployment statistics and income statistics.
Not relevant for this statistics.