Statistical presentation
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The energy census for the manufacturing industry covers all work units in industrial companies with at least 20 employees. That is equivalent to approximately 90 per cent of the energy consumption by manufacturing. It covers in principle the consumption of all energy sources in the production excl. external transport.
Data description
The overall objective of the statistic is to measure the energy consumption and use in connection by type within manufacturing. Furthermore, it is possible to shed light on the composition of different energy species, development in energy efficiency etc.
The statistics cover all production units (local units) within the industrial sector belonging to companies with at least 20 employees. Figures for enterprises with less than 20 employees are not estimated. The statistics is therefore referred to as a cut-off statistic (cut-off limit at 20 employees measured at enterprise level). The target population and the frame population are the same.
Next to the consumption of energy, related information is collected, in example from 2020 information on heat pumps were collected.
Classification system
The type of industries follows the European standard, NACE rev. 2, which is comparable with the Danish classification DB07.
Sector coverage
The statistics mainly covers the manufacturing sector, but also NACE 08 and 09
Statistical concepts and definitions
Energy Product by Type: To be reported are total energy consumption by type measured in quantity and the connected value.
Statistical unit
The unit of results for publication is aggregated results based on data for the local unit (/production unit). The different classifications (i.e. type of industry and geography) used for publication are connected to the local units.
Statistical population
The statistics cover all production units (local units) within the manufacturing sector belonging to companies with at least 20 employees. The type of industry uses the Danish classification DB07, which is comparable with NACE rev. 2, at a 2-digit level.
The population does not only cover the industrial sector (2-digit DB07 10-33), but also include some part of mining and quarrying (2-digit DB07 08-08)
Reference area
Time coverage
Data on energy consumption by manufacturing industry is provided bi-annually from 1980 and latest for 016, 2018, 2020 and 2022
Base period
Not relevant for these statistics.
Unit of measure
Energy consumption by energy species are converted to Giga Joule (GJ) for publication.
The statistics contains the following types of energy for which consumption and costs are collected:
- Use/Purchase of electricity (kWh)
District heating and cooling:
- Purchase of district heating (GJ/m3/MWh)
- Purchase of district cooling (GJ/MWh)
- Liquid gas products (LPG, LNG, refinery gas e.g. bottled gas (tonnes)
- Natural gas (m3) - incl. bio-produced
- Town gas (m3)
- Biogas (m3)
Liquid fuel:
- Benzin for vehichles in production (m3/1000l),
- Gas oil and other diesel oil products (m3)
- Heavy fuel oil (tonnes)
- Petroleum coke (tonnes)
Solid fuel:
- Hard coal (tonnes)
- Furnace coke, coke and brown coal (tonnes)
- Wood pellets (tonnes)
- Wood chips (tonnes)
- Wood waste incl. own produced (tonnes)
- Other waste incl own produced (tonnes)
- Other fuels (tonnes)
Information about use of energy is collected as percentages by type of energy. From 2020 more detailed information are requested from larger users of energy
Reference period
Purchase/use in the census year or closest accounting year.
Frequency of dissemination
Consumption of energy by the manufacturing industry is published every two years.
Legal acts and other agreements
The information is collected in pursuance of the Act on Statistics Denmark (Lov om Danmarks Statistik), cf. Order no. 610 of 30 May 2018
Further Regulation (EU) Nr. 691/2011 on environmental accounts apply as well as a full energy account has to be produced
Cost and burden
Total costs associated with reporting was 784000 Kroner (DKK) in 2020, based on an estimate.
Other information is not available.