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Food Industries
Karsten Kjeld Larsen
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Felling of Wood in the Danish Forests

The survey has always had the same standard and the same target population. Prior to the 2012 survey Statistics Denmark conducted a project aiming at improving the register of forestry farms. At the same time the extrapolation was for the first time made dependent on the total area with forestry. It means that the total felling in 2012 estimated to 3.1 million m3 should be seen as reliable whereas the results recent years before 2012 most likely are underestimated by about 500.000 m3.

Comparability - geographical

There is no internationally recognized standard for felling and forestry surveys as is the case for agriculture. However, the contribution of the forests to the gross domestic product should be included in the national accounts and on this point Denmark is in accordance with internationally recognized principles of national accounts.

Comparability over time

The statistics are comparable back to 1950.

Coherence - cross domain

The University of Copenhagen publishes every year "Skove og plantager". ("Forests and plantations").

Coherence - internal

For each survey all the collected answers are stored in one register with all survey characteristics included in the survey. There is one and only one extrapolation factor per farm. For this reason no inconsistency can occur.