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Government FinancesStefan Koch Olsen
+45 51 23 92 17
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Comparison over time is high as there are no significant breaks in the time series, and none at all for the last 10 years.
Internationally the level of comparison is high as the Danish national accounts follow the ESA 2010 guidelines.
Comparability - geographical
Internationally there is a high degree of comparability as the Danish national accounts are based on the ESA 2010 guidelines.
Comparability over time
Due to a major revision of all of the National accounts, data are not comparable to publications previous to September 14th. 2015. The full time series has been revised and published on the Statistics Denmark website.
Coherence - cross domain
The sector definitions in the quarterly financial accounts follow ESA 2010. This enables comparisons to be made with non-financial accounts nationally as well as internationally.
Coherence - internal
There is full internal consistency in the dataset.