Foreign Owned Enterprises
Contact info
Business Dynamics, Business StatisticsAsbjørn Hviid Mikkelsen
+45 29 42 68 36
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Foreign Owned Enterprises 2022
Foreign Owned Enterprises 2021
Foreign Owned Enterprises 2020
Foreign Owned Enterprises 2019
Foreign Owned Enterprises 2018
Foreign Owned Enterprises 2017
Foreign Owned Enterprises 2016
Foreign Owned Enterprises 2015
Foreign Owned Enterprises 2014
Foreign Owned Enterprises 2013
Foreign Owned Enterprises 2012
The purpose of the statistics foreign-owned enterprises is to show the evolution and extent of foreign owned enterprise in Denmark. The statistics were compiled with the first reference year 2000. First as pilot projects and subsequent regulation determined in connection with the implementation of the Regulation (EC) No 716/2007 of The European Parliament and of The Council of 20 June 2007 on Community statistics on the structure and activity of foreign affiliates.
Statistical presentation
The statistics analyze the ownership country in terms of land for the ultimate owners. Statistical data contain country of the ultimate owner and selected variables taken from the General enterprise statistics such as turnover, number of employees and number of enterprises.
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Statistical processing
Information from the National Bank, the companies official accounts, the Business Register and other sources used to update the population of foreign-owned firms. There also used information from the General Enterprise statistics.
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Users: Public authorities, Eurostat, employers' and employees' federations, private firms, politicians, economists, journalists, students.
Accuracy and reliability
The foreign-owned companies include only those it has been possible to find using above sources. There may therefore be more foreign owned enterprises than those included in the statistics of foreign owned enterprises and this may affect the statistics overall precision and reliability. There is no uncertainty calculations. One source of uncertainty is that there may be more foreign-owned enterprises than those included in these statistics.
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Timeliness and punctuality
The statistics are published once a year. The statistics are usually published about 17 months after the reference year (30 April).
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The statistics have been republished for the period 2019-2021 with a new activity limit that includes economically active companies and with more economic units that have been implemented in the General Enterprise Statistics. Several industries are affected by this. There is thus no direct comparability with the previous time series covering the period 2000-2021. The statistics supplement the General Enterprise Statistics with information on foreign-owned enterprises.
Every year figures are submitted to the statistical office of EU, Eurostat. This includes special industry aggregates, not published nationally.
Accessibility and clarity
The statistics are published in NYT from Statistics Denmark (only in Danish) and Statbank Denmark. Summaries are given in the Statistical Yearbook and in the Statistical Ten-Year Review.