Statistical processing
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Population and EducationNare Hakhverdyan
+45 23 72 80 07
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Data are sent in electronically format to Statistics Denmark. Various control procedures are applied to assure correctness in the data. If necessary the educational institutions are contacted to clarify. In all cases the data are total counts.
Source data
Data related to exchange students (credit mobile students) are collected by Statistics Denmark in form of annual reports from the educational establishments offering higher ordinary educations. The data reports are to be dispatched to Statistics Denmark in an electronically format. The reporting methods vary, mainly by Excel-sheets or directly via system-to-system.
Frequency of data collection
Data collection
System-to-system reporting and reporting on Excel-sheets via secure upload platform.
Data validation
When reporting system-to-system some build-in check procedures for validation of data are to be imposed. When reporting via encrypted emails a validation is conducted by Statistics Denmark.
The following is validated at individual level:
- Identification ID of the educational institutions. Are the codes valid in relation to the Register of Educational Institutions?
- Code of education. Are the codes valid in relation to the Register of Educational Institutions?
- Date for begin and end of exchange stay. Is the logic between start- and end-dates correct? Is it the correct year?
- Personal ID-number. Incorrect cpr-numbers are checked against the cpr-register. If data of birth not reported the institution is contacted
- Age based on information in personal ID number. Is the ago reasonably given the cpr-number reported?
- ISO country codes. Are the reported ISO codes valid?
Also consistency between the variables in individual records are checked e.g. the age of the student at the time of the beginning of the visit against the educational level. Finally variation in the total number of exchange students for the individual establishments are examined by comparison with corresponding figures from previous years.
In case of discrepancies between the enrolled education registered in Statistics Denmark's student registre and the education informed in connection to the exchange period for outgoing exchange students, these errors are corrected, so the education codes for outgoing students are in accordance with Statistics Denmark's student registre.
Data compilation
Various data control procedures are applied to assure correctness of the reported data. In case data seems wrong or large deviations compared the the data reported the year before are found the educational establishment is contacted for clarification.
Beginning from 2017 the statistics covers the number of student exchange programs and not the number of exchange students. In cases where the same student has had multiple exchange programs, the student is represented multiple times. The changes have been implemented back in time, so the statistics can be compared over time.
No further data corrections are applied than the description in data validation.