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Statistical presentation

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Business Dynamics, Business Statistics
Emil Tappe Bang-Mortensen
+45 24 67 85 25

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General Enterprise Statistics

The General enterprise statistics covers real active enterprises in Denmark yearly. It contains economic and employment information concerning all sectors and industries. The General enterprise statistics is communicated in NYT from Statistics Denmark (in Danish) and via the StatBank.

Data description

The General enterprise statistics covers active enterprises in all the Danish registered activities including information about number of enterprises and their turnover and employment. These variables are the main purpose for the statistics, which gives the complete picture of the population of enterprises. In addition to that the General enterprise statistics, contained accounting information until the reference year 2013, such as wages, capital and reserves and fixed assets. Since these variables are completely overlapping with the Accounting statistics from the year 2014, users are referred to that statistics.

From 2022, active enterprises are delimited to the fact that the statistics must include only enterprises with a work effort of at least ½ full-time equivalent, as well as turnover, purchases of goods, imports, exports, added value and balance sheet totals of a certain size. If the enterprises own enterprises or are jointly settled with regard to VAT or have employees with enterprises that are active, the enterprises will also be considered to be active enterprises.

Classification system

The statistics is published on activity classifications. In addition the statistics is published on enterprise size, Danish regions and legal forms.

Sector coverage

The statistics covers all sectors.

Statistical concepts and definitions

Enterprise: The enterprise level is the smallest combination of legal units that is an organizational unit, which are financially autonomous. One enterprise is linked to one legal unit or in a few cases several legal units. There are a small number of enterprises in the agricultural sector to which legal units are not linked.

Active companies: In the Central Business Register, which provides the basis for the Statistical Business Register, all enterprises, which are obliged to register according to tax legislation, are registered regardless of their level of activity. This implies that even the smallest activity results in a registration of an enterprise.

The intention is to analyse real commercial activity. Starting from the recommendation of Eurostat, the General enterprise statistics only include active enterprises - throughout the year or a part of the year.

Eurostat recommends to include only enterprises, where a workload corresponding to at least 0.5 man-year is carried out.

Enterprise age: Enterprise age in the reference year is calculated as relative to the enterprises latest entry as new in the Business Demography

Statistical unit

The General enterprise statistics is counted at the enterprise level (economic units).

Statistical population

The population is all active enterprises i Denmark.

Reference area


Time coverage


Base period

Not relevant for this statistics.

Unit of measure

Number of enterprises, DKK Mio.

Reference period

01-01-2023 - 31-12-2023

Frequency of dissemination

The General enterprise statistics is compiled annually.

Legal acts and other agreements

The data is collected in accordance the the general law on Statistics Denmark §6.

Cost and burden

The statistics is based on administrative registers and other statistics. Therefore there is not direct burden in connection with this statistic.


Further information can be found on Emneside or by contacting Statistics Denmark.