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Personal Finances and WelfareEmilie Rune Hegelund
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Health among young people not in employment, education or training (NEET) (experimental statistics)
These statistics have been compiled since 2019 and are in their present form comparable from 2019 and onwards.
Comparability - geographical
As far as is known, no similar international statistics exist.
Comparability over time
There have been no changes in the method of assessment or the data composition, so the time series is fully comparable during the period.
However, it is important to be aware that the information on the population's hospital utilisation is not complete in 2019 and thus cannot be compared with later years, as it is based on information from the National Patient Register (LPR3), which replaced the previous version of the National Patient Register (LPR2) at the beginning of 2019. More specifically, the public hospitals in the Capital Region of Denmark, Region Zealand, and Central Denmark Region switched from LPR2 to LPR3 reporting during the weekend of 2-3 February 2019, while the public hospitals in the North Denmark Region and the Region of Southern Denmark switched during the weekend of 2-3 March 2019. It is therefore also not possible to compare the population's hospital utilisation across the regions in 2019.
Coherence - cross domain
The statistics Not in Employment, Education or Training (NEET) are based on the same population. Those statistics list the population (16-24 years) by NEET status, sex, age, region and socioeconomic status since 2008.
Coherence - internal
The internal consistency of the statistics is ensured by first identifying the population, including the persons' NEET status, sex and place of residence, from the register-based labour force statistics and then merging the population with information about its hospital utilisation, consultations with physicians and purchases of prescription medicine from the Hospital Utilisation Statistics, the Health Insurance Statistics and the Register of Medicinal Product Statistics, respectively.