Household Budget Survey
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Prices and Consumption, Economic StatisticsA Solange Lohmann Rasmussen
+45 61 15 17 93
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The Household Budget Survey describes in detail the Danish households' expenditure on goods and services and the economic condition of the households. The statistics are used to compile weightings in the Consumer Price Index and for calculation of the private consumption in the National Accounts. The statistics were first compiled in 1897 and annually since 1994.
Statistical presentation
The Household budget survey is an annual statement of the detailed private consumption at household level for private households in Denmark. The survey covers private households in Denmark. The household budget survey provides a detailed breakdown of consumption. In the most detailed breakdown, consumption is divided into approx. 1,200 different consumption types.
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Statistical processing
The survey is based on a sample where the number of households accounts for about 2,200 out of Denmark's total of approximately 2.8 million households.
The survey included data from three different data sources: Accounting booklets, CAPI interviews and data from registers. In this way the sample can give results which are good approximations for all private households. The data from the 3 different sources are validated. We are constantly looking at how we can improve and compile the statistic in a more efficient way.
Data is collected annually from approximately 1,100 households and the sample for one years household budget survey is based on the sample from two years. All expenses, income, etc. are converted to the price and volume level of the end year.
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In addition to the general public the Household Budget Survey has a wide application. Internally in Statistics Denmark during the compilation of national accounts and price indexation. Public authorities' planning and feasibility studies, etc. Internationally, where especially EUROSTAT is very active in order to establish comparable figures between countries. Research in a number of areas, as well as for marketing purposes.
Accuracy and reliability
With only 12 pct. of the households who have been contacted participating in the Household Budget Survey. This creates uncertainty, not least for detailed consumer groups. For total consumption, this means that there is an uncertainty margin of +/- 1.8 per cent. while that for that for bread is 2 per cent. and 24 per cent. for a rarely purchased item such as offal. There is underreporting in a number of areas such as alcohol, tobacco, prostitution and undeclared work. The uncertainty is greater when data is based on accounting rather than interviews, and it will be greater if one looks at smaller subgroups of households.
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Timeliness and punctuality
The statistics are published approximately12 months after the end of the reference year. The statistics are usually published according to the time announced.
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The Household Budget Survey is conducted in accordance with guidelines from the European statistical agency Eurostat. Comparable figures are published by Eurostat. Since 1994, the survey has been methodologically rearranged and is now conducted annually by the same method and on a comparable basis.
Data for 2014 and onwards are based on a two-year-old sample and COICOP5 nomenclature (Classification of Individual Consumption). To ensure comparability and continuity over time, data from 1994 to 2013 were recalculated in compliance with the new nomenclature in both current and constant prices
From 2023 onwards, data is based on the COICOP2018 nomenclature. To ensure comparability and continuity over time, data from 2015 to 2022 has been recalculated according to new nomenclature in both current and fixed prices.
Accessibility and clarity
The Danish Household Budget Survey is published in a Danish press release, at the same time as the tables are updated in the StatBank. In the StatBank, these statistics can be found under Household Budget Survey. For further information, go to the subject page.