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Statistical presentation

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Science, Technology and Culture
Anne Vibeke Jacobsen
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ICT Usage in Households and by Individuals

This survey is based on a European model questionnaire coordinated by Eurostat. The survey covers among other subjects; access to and use of the Internet and computers at home and at work, type of internet connection used, type of device used for internet access e-commerce etc. Results are calculated both for the population as a hole and for subgroups divided by sex, age, occupation, type of family etc. A number of questions concerning access are directed at households instead of the individual.

Data description

The purpose of the study is to analyze the access to and use of the Internet, and to follow the development. Survey questions have been deleted and added from time to time, in order to reflect new aspects and developments. The survey is based on international cooperation, a common Eurostat questionnaire and methodological guidelines.

The survey covers among other subjects; - access to and use of the Internet and computers at home and at work - type of internet connection used - type of device used for internet access - e-commerce - motives and obstacles to Internet usage - use of advanced internet-services, - use of mobile internet - Internet security

The StatBank table LABY51 is related to the theme Land og by and displays broadband coverage by municipality groups.

Classification system

The results of the survey are published on basis of following background variables, age, gender, geographical breakdown, education and income.

The StatBank table LABY51, related to the theme Land og by, is broken down by municipality groups.

Sector coverage

Not applicable for this survey.

Statistical concepts and definitions

Internet of Things: Internet-connected equipment, eg Smart TV, refrigerator, smart watch

Population: Population; individuals aged 16-89 years.

Welfare technology: Technology enabled solutions in the form of products or services used in, for example, the care and elderly area

Streaming: Streaming is watching or listening to content on the Internet via a browser, such as a series or music track, without downloading or saving the file on your device, such as a PC.

Cloud computing: Cloud services are either services that offer the possibility to store files on a server accessible over the Internet or software applications run over the Internet.

Household: The concept of households consist of one or more persons, who live in the same home and who are in family with each other (among these also cohabiting partners), but there can only be one married couple in the family.

Individual: Individuals resident in Denmark (excl. Greenland and the Faeroe Islands) in the age of 16-89 years, according to The Central Register of Persons (CPR). People without registered address in the CPR are not included in the survey.

Cookies: Cookies collect and store information about what internet users do online

Digital market platform: A digital platform mediates contact between buyer and seller, eg Facebook Marketplace,, eBay etc.

Sharing economy: Transaction between private individuals, eg via AirBnB and GoMore, where individuels share their property or time with others - often for a fee

Download: Download is to retrieve or save a copy of a file, eg from a browser

Social media: Social networking services, eg TikTok, Instagram, Facebook, where you users chat online and share audio files, photos or videos

Statistical unit

Individuals and households

Tables related to the theme "Rural and urban" (e.g. LABY##) are distributed by municipal groups.

Statistical population

The covers individuals between 16 and 89 years resident in Denmark (excl. Greenland and the Faeroe Islands), according to The Central Register of Persons (Det Centrale Personregister, CPR).

Reference area


Tables related to the theme "Rural and urban" (e.g. LABY##) are distributed by municipal groups.

Time coverage


Tables related to the theme "Rural and urban" (e.g. LABY##) cover from 2014 onwards.

Base period

Not applicable for this survey.

Unit of measure

Per cent of the population aged 16-89 years. But the indicators can also be published as percentage of Internet users, users of mobile phones or percentage of those that have bought or ordered goods or services online.

Reference period

The survey is carried out by web forms and telephone interviews. Until 2006, the interviews were carried out every month in the period January-April with reference period in the last month and in the last year. From 2007 and onwards all interviews are conducted in March to May with reference period 'within the last three months' and 'in the last year'.

Data for tables related to the theme "Rural and urban" (e.g. LABY##) are retrieved from

Frequency of dissemination

The statistic is published annually.

Legal acts and other agreements

Participation in the survey is voluntary.

EU statistics on the use of information and communication technologies in households and by individuals . Commission regulations implementing Regulation (EU) 2019/1700 of the European Parliament and Council of 14 October 2019

Cost and burden

Not applicable for this survey.


The purpose of the survey is to illustrate the IT-habits in Denmark based on a number of indicators, such as e-commerce, use of cell phones and smartphones and on use of computers and internet. The survey has been developed in cooperation with Danish Agency for Digitization and DaneAge Association.