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The results are used by ministries, organizations, researchers and journalists etc., as a basis for political interventions, analyses, articles and research projects etc. A considerable number of variables are replaced each year as a result of the development in user needs and the need to measure new technology. The on-going development of the survey contents takes place in close dialogue with national stakeholders as well as in the European Union fora. The statistics is co-funded by the European Union.
User Needs
In general there is substantial interest in the survey results from ministries, organizations, researchers and journalists etc. A considerable number of variables are replaced each year as a result of the development in user needs and the need to measure new technology. The statistics is co-funded by the European Union.
User Satisfaction
Dialogue with national stakeholders takes place, among other things, in Statistics Denmark's Contact Committee for the digital society. The on-going development of the survey contents takes place in close dialogue with national stakeholders as well as in EU forums.
Data completeness rate
Requirements in regulation and guidelines are met.