The information about immigrants and their descendants are comparable from 1980 and forward. Boundary changes and changes in the classification of countries are reflected in the statistics.
Comparability - geographical
The definition on immigrants and descendants is a Danish definition. There is no other countries with the same definition.
Comparability over time
The information on immigrants and their descendants is comparable back to 1980. Boundary changes and changes in the classification of countries are reflected in the statistics.
As of 1. July 2007 there has been a change in the processing of data that has made it possible to include information on all people once registered in the Central Population Register in the compilation of immigrants and descendants. This change made it possible to identify more parents. Based on this app. 2,000 persons have changed their classification from "descendants with origin in a western country" to "people of Danish origin".
Coherence - cross domain
There exists no other statistics on immigrants and descendants.
Coherence - internal
Not relevant for these statistics.