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Private enterprises and organizations in Denmark and abroad, and ministries and other public institutions are the most frequent users of the index. The index is especially used in relation to regulation of contracts. In addition to that, the index plays a vital part in the wage negotiations of employees in the public sector.
User Needs
Users of the index are mainly ministries, municipalities, institutions and employee and employers organisations. Along with the index of earnings of the private sector, the public index is used in adjusting the earnings of government employees. Also, the index is used as a benchmark in contract regulation.
User Satisfaction
Based on the number of viewings at and at and other more direct inquiries, the user satisfaction is considered to be very high. Every second year, a more detailed discussion of the methodological issues behind the index are held at one of the meetings of the contact committee. At these meetings the most central user representatives are present and there is a large interest on the different indices of average earnings published by Statistics Denmark.
Data completeness rate
There are no national regulations or guidelines for the index.