Statistical presentation
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Short Term StatisticsBo Eriksen
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The investment survey in manufacturing industries is a tendency survey in which the expectations regarding the annual change in industrial investments are summarized twice a year (March and October). The survey gives information on expected investments in the current year and the forthcoming year and the results are presented as percentage changes.
Data description
The investment survey in manufacturing industries is a tendency survey in which the expectations regarding the annual change in industrial investments are summarized twice a year (March and October). The survey gives information on expected investments in the current year and the forthcoming year and the results are presented as percentage changes.
In the Mach survey enterprises are requested to state investments last year (T-1) and planned investment current year (T). In the October survey enterprises are asked for planned investments for current year (T) and coming year (T+1).
Figures are entered in thousands DKK in the questionnaire.
Classification system
The industries in the survey is defined by the EU classification Main Industrial Grouping (MIG) which is composed of different industries across the manufacturing sector as defined in DB07, which is the Danish industrial classification system similar to the international NACE rev 2 system. The EU informs about MIG and presents a detailed list of allocation of NACE industries into MIG groups.
Sector coverage
The statistics targets enterprises within manufacturing sector and is published in five industry groups.
C Industry, total - CDUR Durable consumer goods - CNDU Non-durable consumer goods - INTM Intermediate goods (excluding mining and quarrying) - INVE Investment goods
Statistical concepts and definitions
Investments: Additions and disposals of fixed assets, i.e. real property (land, buildings, etc..) and durable goods (machinery, vehicles, furniture, etc..) and intangible assets (software, licenses, etc..). Additions are stated at cost before depreciation and other adjustments, and includes both purchased and leased assets. Departure valued at selling price or, where this is not known to the impaired value.
Kind of Activity Unit (KAU): Defined as the observation unit. A KAU (Kind of Activity Unit) is a group of local units with identical activity code belonging to the same enterprise, which is identified by "CVR-number" from the Central Business Register.
Statistical unit
The sample is based on Kind of Activity Units (KAU's) as the observation units. A KAU is a group of local units with identical activity code belonging to the same enterprise, which is identified by "CVR-number" from the Central Business Register.
Statistical population
The universe population includes enterprises within main group C Manufacturing, covering industry groups 10 to 33 in Danish classification system DB07, almost identical to the international NACE rev. 2 system. Also B Mining and quarrying , excluded oil extraction, is covered. The target population consists of about 4700 enterprises with mail activity within manufacturing industries and with 20 or more employees on annual basis.
Reference area
Time coverage
The survey has been conducted since 1982 as requested by the EU.
Base period
Not relevant for these statistics.
Unit of measure
Year-by-year increase rates in percentages.
Reference period
The survey is carried through twice a year. In March the participating enterprises are asked to give estimates for the investments in the current year and the preceding year. In October the questions relate to estimates for investments in the current year and the coming year. Over a two-year period the collected information forms the basis of four successive calculations of the expected annual change in industrial investments.
Frequency of dissemination
The investment survey in manufacturing industries is published twice a year.
Legal acts and other agreements
The survey is voluntary, and therefore not subject to any Danish legal act. The survey is conducted according to agreement with the EU Commission. The legal framework of the survey is "The Joint Harmonized European Union Programme on Business and Consumer Surveys" approved by the European Commission on 12 July 2006 COM (206)379.
Cost and burden
The survey is voluntary, therefore no burden as such. If one decides to participate the questionnaire is supposed to only take a minute to complete. Enterprises with 19 or less employees are not included in the survey sample. Joint reporting is accepted if same organization includes several companies representing unique legal units, but within same industry-class.
Information about the statistics here. The statistics is part of the The Joint EC Business and Consumer Surveys programme managed by Directorate-Generale for Economic and Financial Affairs (DG ECFIN) please refer to their Guidelines.