Statistical presentation
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External Economy, Economic StatisticsSelma Mustafic Mulalic
+45 23 69 46 64
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The statistics show Denmark's imports and exports of services from/to other countries distributed on partner countries and approx. 70 service categories.
Data description
The statistics show Denmark's imports and exports of services from/to other countries distributed on partner countries and approx. 70 service categories on a quarterly basis. On a monthly basis the statistics are completely aggregated.
Classification system
The statistics on international trade in services cover approx. 70 categories of services; these are aggregated to 15 main groups: - Manufacturing services - Repair services - Sea transport - Air transport - Other transport - Postal and courier services - Travel-related services - Construction services - Insurance services - Financial services - Royalties and licenses - Telecommunication services, computer services, and information services - Other business services - Cultural, personal, and recreational services - Public services.
Sector coverage
Not relevant for these statistics.
Statistical concepts and definitions
Resident person (Dane): A person who is permanently resident in Denmark or a person who has been or intends to reside in Denmark for more than one year. However, students and persons in the treatment of illness remain residents of their home country, even if they have to spend more than a year in Denmark, in connection with their studies or treatment.
Resident business: A resident business enterprise is either a Danish enterprise in Denmark or a foreign enterprise which has been engaged or intends to be engaged in economic activities in Denmark. This means that branches or subsidiaries in Denmark of non-resident enterprises are regarded as resident enterprises, while branches or subsidiaries of resident Danish enterprises abroad are regarded as non-resident enterprises.
Statistical unit
In Survey on international trade in services the units are delimited according to their legal registration number (cvr. number). Other kind of units (e.g. persons) is used in supplementary sources.
Statistical population
The statistics cover trade in services performed by Danish residents with foreign residents. The statistical population for Survey on international trade in services is assumed to consist of approx. 40.000 units (cvr. numbers), which according to different assumptions are considered to be covering the total foreign trade in services. This population is delimited using the business register and some other sources.
Reference area
The statistics cover trade in services performed by Danish residents with foreign residents.
Time coverage
The statistics cover the period since New Year 2004/2005.
Base period
Not relevant for these statistics.
Unit of measure
The statistics are compiled in DKK.
Reference period
Frequency of dissemination
The statistics are published, for main results, monthly with the balance of payment statistics. The statistics are otherwise published quarterly and annually.
Legal acts and other agreements
Act on Statistics Denmark (§ 9a and § 10).
Parliament and Council regulation (EEC) No 184/2005 of 12 January 2005 on Community statistics concerning balance of payments, international trade in services and foreign direct investment (OJ L 310 08.02.05) and later Commission regulations.
Cost and burden
The response burden has been estimated to DKK 8,1 million.
International trade in services has a webpage International trade in services