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Statistical presentation

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Internet, radio and TV

The statistics show semi-annual statements of resp. the number of broadband subscriptions, by type of broadband, and active Internet subscriptions for resp. private and business. In addition, the statistics contain quarterly statements for revenue on the Internet, by type of advertising.

Data description

The active statistics bank tables show the development in the number of broadband and Internet subscriptions as well as the turnover on the Internet by type of advertising. The historical statistics bank tables contain data on the consumption and turnover of, as well as access to, other electronic media, eg radio and television.

The active Statbank tables are based on information from the Agency for Data Supply and Infrastructure's Tele statistics, which is published twice a year, and the market statistics from The Danish Media Research Online Index (DOI), which is published four times a year. The historical Statbank tables are also based on the Advertising Consumption Survey The Danish Media Association, Danish Energy Agency, several studies from TNS Gallup as well as figures from the trade organization Consumer Electronics and Copydan.

Classification system

Broadband subscriptions are grouped by type of broadband. Active internet subscriptions are divided by private and business. Business subscriptions are further divided by whether they are used by businesses or individuals. Turnover from internet is grouped by type of advertising. No standard classifications are used for this statistic.

Sector coverage

Not relevant for these statistics.

Statistical concepts and definitions

Broadband: Sold broadband subscriptions that have marketed a downstream speed of at least 144 kbit / s.

Fixed wireless: Broadband based on e.g. WiMAX, WLL or WiFi, delivered wirelessly to a box or satellite dish mounted on the end-user's household / building. Fixed wireless broadband should not be confused with a router installed inside the house / building. The connection assumes free sight between the broadband company's antenna and the antenna of the end user. is dependent on the distance between them.

Fiber network: A connection where the signals are passed through optical fibers by means of light signals. Fiber network connections, unlike other broadband connections, often have as fast upstream speeds as downstream speeds. Fiber can provide very high speeds when downloading and uploading data.

Web banners: Graphic, audio-visual, text-based and / or interactive advertising products displayed in connection with Internet media products (for example, on a web page, in an email or on mobile platforms) - either as a fixed placement on the media product (sponsorship banners), on special parts of the media product (sections) or on all parts of the media product.

Cable television networks: A connection where the cable TV network is used for broadband while broadcasting TV programs. Broadband speed depends on the number of concurrent users. Connections over the cable TV network often have much faster downstream speeds than upstream speeds.

LAN (Local Area Network): : Consists of an internal wired or wireless local area network, for example, a housing association or a college, where the individual households / rooms share a common Internet connection. The connection to the property most often consists of an optical fiber (fiber-lan), but can also consist of other types of connections.

Market place: Inclusion of product and company information in searchable online directories (typically web pages, online or mobile applications), which is included as a third party between buyer and seller. The classic type of marketplace is classifieds services. The price of the recorded products may be negotiated or the deal can be closed directly in the marketplace (Auctions). Marketplace recordings are displayed as listing product or company information obtained through directory search or browsing through directory sites. Marketplaces also include price comparison services.

Partnerships: Advertiser paid content or services that are integrated in the form, content or function with the medium, such as a search service or a classifieds service. Therefore, it is not enough for a banner to be permanently placed on a page, for example, one year at a time to be included in Partnerships.

xDSL (Kobbernet):: A connection where the traditional telephone connection is used for broadband. The speed depends of the distance to the control center / microcontroller. xDSL connections often have much faster downstream speeds than upstream speeds.

Statistical unit

Broadband subscriptions, active internet subscriptions and advertising turnover.

Statistical population

Private and commercial internet subscriptions in Denmark as well as the Danish market for advertising revenue on the internet.

Reference area


Time coverage

Figures for the number of broadband subscriptions by broadband type (DIS122) are available from the second half of 2000 onwards. Figures for the number of active Internet subscriptions by customer group (DIS129) are available from the second half of 2002 onwards. Figures for turnover on the Internet by type of advertising (VIR331), are available from the first quarter of 2000 onwards.

In addition, there are a number historical tables in the StatBank, dating back to the 1990s.

Base period

For turnover from internet by type of advertising thee indices are published with the following base years:

  • Banner ads and partnerships (2000Q1=100)
  • Market place (2006Q1=100)
  • Job (2003Q1=100)

Unit of measure

Number and market share, DKK and indices.

Reference period

The reference time for turnover on the Internet is quarters (VIR331), while the reference time for both broadband subscriptions (DIS122) and active Internet subscribers (DIS129) is half a year.

The reference period for the historical Statbank tables is year, half year and the following periods: First period covers weeks 1-12 / 13 (January-March), second period covers weeks 13 / 14-25 / 26 (April-June), and third period covers weeks 26 / 27-47 / 48 (July-November).

Frequency of dissemination

Semi-annually and quarterly.

Legal acts and other agreements

Statistics Denmark does not collect primary data for the compilation of these statistics. These statistics are not covered by EU regulation. However DIS122 and DIS129 are based on the Danish Agency for Data Supply and Infrastructure's telecommunications statistics, which are collected according to EU requirements from DG Connect / EU Commission.

Cost and burden

Statistics Denmark passes forward pre-produced statistical estimates for internet, radio and television. Therefore, there is no direct reporting in relation to the compilation of these statistics.


For more information, go to the subject page on Internet, Radio and TV.