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Labour Market Account

New Labour Market Account concerning the population´s labour market status have been developed by Statistics Denmark.

The primary purpose of the Labour Market Accounts (LMA) is to provide a complete overview of the population´s labour market status compiled in terms of full-time persons, covering a given period of time or a given point-in-time.

Statistical presentation

The Labour Market Account is compiled annually and provides information on the population´s labour market status, where labour-market related activities are given the highest priority. The statistics are compiled in terms of full-time persons.

Data on the population´s labour market status are broken down by socio-economic groups i.e. persons in employment, students, unemployed persons and other persons receiving public benefits, children and young people and other people outside the labour force.

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Statistical processing

The primary statistical data for the LMA is a newly developed register called the AMR-UN (LMA without standardization of hours).

The AMR-UN is composed of administrative data, which are integrated and harmonised in a statistical system.

On the basis of the AMR-UN, the LMA is constructed by means of an hourly standardization of the population´s labour market status, where a person can at maximum contribute with 37 hours per week, corresponding to the existing hourly standard.

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Over a number of years Statistics Denmark has carried out work on developing the LMA. Several users have indicated their great interest in and expectations with regard to the statistics/register.

Users of the LMA are typical ministries, organisations and research institutes, etc.

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Accuracy and reliability

In the LMA, a wide range of data sources are subjected to data editing and harmonisation in one statistical system. This implies that the LMA can conduct far better analyses of the labour market than the analyses that can be conducted by each individual statistic. At the same time, the LMA constitutes a census of the population and consequently, the statistical uncertainty is reduced compared to statistics compiled on the basis of sample surveys.

Against this background, the quality of the statistics is considered to be relatively high. Despite this, there is still some degree of uncertainty linked to the statistics.

Read more about accuracy and reliability

Timeliness and punctuality

The statistics are published approximately 15 months after the reference year.

Read more about timeliness and punctuality


The statistics cover the period 2008 to 2021, and during this period the development are comparable.

Read more about comparability

Accessibility and clarity

The statistic is published i the statbank Labour market accounts.

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