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Statistical presentation

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Landings of fish

Landings statistics include all Danish fishing vessels landings. Statistics on landings of fish are prepared by The Danish Fisheries Agency based on reports for trade in fish, crustaceans and molluscs at vessel level, enriched with data from vessels' logs. For reports from Danish vessels, who sell their catch in other EU Member States, reports are received electronically from the Member State. More than 95 pct. of the total value of the landing is received in the form of on-line reports today.

Data description

It is not allowed for non-commercial fishermen in Denmark to sell their catch. Anyone who is the first to buy (FØRSTE LED I OMSÆTNINGEN), receive or fish, crustaceans and molluscs directly from fishermen to domestic sales, exports including transit, or for processing sales, is obliged to report this to The Danish Fisheries Agency. The same applies to fishermen who sell their own catch directly to consumers, process or export their own catch. All Danish and foreign fishermen's landings in Danish ports and landings from Danish vessels in foreign ports, are recorded as such in The Danish Fisheries Agency's database. The catchregister contains information about species, market categories (state, quality, sorting size, processing mode and use), vessel and fishing waters and landing and buyer, etc. for each batch of fish. This information is the basis for the official fishing statistics.

Classification system

Divided in: codfish, flatfish, atlantic herring, atlantic mackerel, fish for reduction, crustaceans and molluscs and other fish. Cod Fish include: Alaskan pollock, Tusk, Blue ling, Firtrådet Rockling, Forkbeards, poor cod, whiting, hake, haddock, Lange, Pollack, Saithe, Arctic cod, pout, Silver Cod and Cod. Flatfish include: megrim, Greenland halibut, Atlantic halibut, American plaice, dab, turbot, plaice, lemon sole, witch, Flounder, Brill, tongue and TUNGHVARRE. Industrial species include: Blue whiting, sprat, Havgalt, mackerel, Soldering, grenadier, Sperling and Tobis. Groupings by harbour are divided on the Danish regions, EU member states and third countries Maritime Grouping waters are located in the 4 main waters and other waters. North Sea include Limfjorden, Ringkøbing fjord and Nissum fjord. Kattegat includes Isefjorden. For further description of the waters division, see Danish Fisheries Agency website:

Sector coverage

The statistics cover the commercial fishing.

Statistical concepts and definitions

Groups: The groupings have been made, so they to the greatest extent are comparable to Statistics Denmark’s publication "Financial Statistics for fishing."

Catches and quotas: Catches and quotas are always calculated in fish (live weight). However the amounts of information in the reports are always measured in the landed weight. The difference between the two concepts is the reduction that occurs when consumption fish are gutted, filleted or otherwise treated and iced on board the vessel before landing. The landed weight is therefore less than the caught weight.

Statistical unit

The landed weight is in kg., live-weight in kg. and value in Dkk.

Statistical population

The landings statistics include all Danish fishing vessels’ landings.

Reference area

Landing is divided on the Danish regions, EU member states and third countries.

Time coverage


Base period

Not relevant to this statistic.

Unit of measure

Catches and quotas are always calculated in whole fish (live weight). However, the amount of information on the reports are always measured in the landed weight. The difference between the two concepts is the reduction that occurs when the fish is gutted, filleted or otherwise treated and iced on board the vessel before landing. The landed weight is less than the caught weight. From 2009 there are adopted common conversion factors throughout the EU. Previously they could diverge from country to country within the EU.

Reference period

01-01-2015 - 31-12-2015

Frequency of dissemination


Legal acts and other agreements

Order no. 1175 of December 17th 1999 on the registration and control of information on fish landed and fish imported.

Cost and burden

Not relevant to this statistic.


See topic since the Fisheries and aquaculture structures and produktion.