The statistics are used by ministries, agricultural organizations, as the basis for preparing analyzes and forecasts. The basic data and results of the statistics are also included in the National Accounts.
User Needs
The most important users are agricultural organizations, ministries, individuals and organizations engaged and interested in size and use of the animal production. Internally in Statistics Denmark, data are included in the National Accounts via the Gross Factor Income of Agriculture.
User Satisfaction
The statistics are discussed at meetings of the User Committee for Food Statistics. The User Committee consists of the central users of the statistics with representatives from the agricultural and fisheries organizations, the Ministry of the Environment and Food and research institutions.
The main impression is that most users are happy with the statistics. A large part of the basic data for the statistics is delivered to Eurostat, where data is also checked, in addition to part of the data included in the National Accounts.
Data completeness rate
Not relevant.