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Statistical presentation

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Short Term Statistics, Business Statistics
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Manufacturers’ Sales of Goods (quarterly)

The statistics describe manufacturers' sales of goods measured in terms of volume and value by detailed types of goods according to the international classifications CN and SITC. In addition to this, total sales (turnover) are distributed by industries (NACE groups).

The data collecting for the statistics for 2020 has partly been affected by the COVID-19 situation. However, it is assessed that the overall statistics has not been affected in any great extent.

Since 2020, Statistics Denmark has carried out extensive work to ensure the quality of the reports from the largest companies. This has led to some audits for the years 2018 to 2022.

Data description

The statistics describe manufacturers' sales of goods measured in terms of volume and value by detailed types of goods. In addition to this, sales are distributed by industries (NACE groups).

Classification system

Goods are classified according to the CN, the Combined Nomenclature and to SITC, Standard International Trade Classification.

For submission to Eurostat, data are converted from CN to Prodcom codes using the key between the two lists of commodities.

Industrial activity is classified according to Dansk Branchekode 2007, which is the Danish national classification based on NACE rev. 2.

Sector coverage

Mining and quarrying (NACE B) and manufacturing (NACE C). Exemptions are units in 10.71.20 (national DB07 activity code for bakeries, these are instead included in the retail trade statistics) and in 32.11.00 (NACE 32.11, striking of coins).

Statistical concepts and definitions

Industrial sales: Sales or invoice value at current prices, excluding VAT. All sales are included, regardless if its to domestic and export markets.

Own goods: Goods that are extracted, produced, processed or assembled by the reporting enterprise. Own goods are also products manufactured by a subcontractor, if the reporting enterprise owns the inputs for the subcontracted manufacturing. Good for resale are not included.

Commercial (resale) turnover: Commercial (resale) turnover is turnover from sales of goods that are bought and sold with any processing. Repackaging does not constitute processing.

Contract work for other enterprises: Work done for another enterprise, which owns the input for the manufacturing work.

Statistical unit

The unit for the tables by commodity code is the good/product/commodity.

The tables with industrial classification are based on kind of activity unit. A kind of activity unit consists of all local units within an enterprise that has the same industrial classification. In most cases the enterprise is the same as the kind of activity unit, but for specially large enterprises with activities in several industries the kind of activity unit will be a subdivision of the enterprise. Due to this turnover is divided differently among industries than in statistics based on the enterprise (the economic unit).

Statistical population

Kind of activity units (KAU's) with main activity in mining and quarrying or in manufacturing.

Reference area

The statistics cover the turnover of enterprises in Denmark not including the Faroe Islands and Greenland. In some cases, especially for larger enterprises, goods physically produced outside Denmark will be covered. That is if the goods are produced under subcontracting for a Danish manufacturing enterprise.

Time coverage


Base period

Not relevant for these statistics.

Unit of measure

Values of sales are collected and published as '1000 DKK' in StatBank Denmark. Quantities are collected and published in units linked to different commodity codes.

Reference period

The responding units report sales during the calendar quarter.

Frequency of dissemination

The statistics are released in quarterly national publications. Prodcom data are submitted annually to Eurostat and published annually.

Legal acts and other agreements

Section 8 of the Act on Statistics Denmark.

The Council Regulation (EEC) No 3924/91 of 19 December 1991 (PRODCOM).

Cost and burden

The response burden was calculated at 3.569.000 DKK in 2005.


The statistics have a subject page.