Statistical presentation
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The statistics provides closing values for each year. The household’s real estate consisting of owner occupied dwellings and co-operative dwellings. All figures are reported in current prices.
Data description
Statistics Denmark has established an individual-based register with market values of the households’ real estate. The real estate consisting of owner occupied dwellings and co-operative dwellings. The calculation of the market value of real estate is based on actual sales on the market. All figures are reported in current prices. The valuation of households’ assets in real estate covers the period since 2004. Figures concerning 2014 are preliminary. Registers on individual level can be used for distribution analyses, e.g. in relation to income, financial liabilities or socioeconomic status.
Sector delimitation relative to households and non-households carried out by the national accounts definitions in the European system of national accounts (ESA2010). This indicates that sole proprietorships are part of the household sector, ie property owners in the household sector can be both individuals and sole proprietorships. The values of co-operative dwellings are also included as a part of assets in real estate, even though co-operative dwellings are not considered as a real asset. Equity Certificates are categorized as financial assets in ESA 2010.
Debt components from the wealth and income statistics are only described in Danish.
Classification system
The definition of the household sector follows European system of national accounts (ESA2010). It shows that individuals and sole proprietorships are the population in the household sector. The value of co-operative dwellings is also included as a part of the assets in real estate in the statistics, even though co-operative dwellings are not considered as a real asset. Equity certificates are categorized as financial assets in ESA 2010.
Sector coverage
Real estate includes occupied dwellings and co-operative dwellings. Property owners in the household sector can be both individuals and sole proprietorships. For owners of co-operative dwellings the statistics do not include sole proprietorships.
Statistical concepts and definitions
Financial wealth and loans: Individual data for financial wealth and loans are collected from the tax authorities. Not all financial financial wealth and loans are available at this level, for example, are financial wealth calculated exclusive pensions and unlisted shares. Totals for the household sector's financial wealth and loans can be found in Statistics Denmark's National Financial Accounts.
Market value for owner occupied dwellings : The official real estate valuations from the Danish tax authorities (Skat) do not reflect the market prices. The difference between the official real estate valuations and the market price depends on the market conditions, which are not described to a sufficient degree in Skats’ official real estate valuations. By linking the actual real estate sales with the official real estate valuations, it is possible to calculate the average relationship between the actual price and the real estate valuation for the sold dwellings. This relationship is called the “Adjustment factor”. In the model it is assumed that the adjustment factor between the actual purchase price (the market value) and the official real estate valuation is the same for individual types of real estate (e.g. one-family houses) within the same geographical area (e.g. a postal code). The market values of the dwellings that have not been sold are calculated by multiplying the adjustment factor with the official real estate valuation.
Market value for co-operative dwellings: Housing co-operative is a legal entity - usually a cooperation - that owns real estate, consisting of one or more residential buildings. The co-operative is membership based, with membership granted by way of a share purchase in the co-operative. Each shareholder in the legal entity is granted the right to occupy one housing unit (co-operatives dwellings). The model calculates the price represented by the individual co-operative dwelling, if the entire building was sold on market terms.
Type of municipalities: In the StatBank there is a classification of the municipalities in urban municipalities, intermediate municipalities, rural municipalities and outlying municipalities. The classification is used to illustrate the development of household real estate and debt of municipalities with different characteristics.
Statistical unit
The statistics is published for properties and families.
Statistical population
In the tables EJERFOF1 and EJERFOF2 all families, where at least one person have resided the entire year in Denmark, and are full tax liable. Time of recording for the families are 31. December. In the table EJDFOE1 the population is all persons or sole proprietorship, which owns real estate in Denmark, regardless of residency in Denmark.
Reference area
Time coverage
Data is available from 2004 and onward.
Base period
Not relevant for this statistics.
Unit of measure
Number of properties or families. The market value in the statistics are in 1,000,000 DKK and shown in current prices. Average is stated in DKK per family or DKK per property.
Reference period
End of the year.
Frequency of dissemination
Legal acts and other agreements
There is no EU regulation in this area. A wide range of register data collected via the tax authorities etc. based on the general Law for Statistics Denmark.
Cost and burden
There is no response burden as the data are collected via registers.