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Migration to and from Denmark (Discontinued)

The statistic describes immigration to Denmark and emigration from Denmark. A newsletter is published when the statistic is ready. The statistic is published each quarter. With the dissemination of the 4th quarter statistics an annual statistic for entire year is also published.

At the same time tables in the Statbank are updated. Immigration and emigration can be broken down by age, sex, municipality, citizenship and country of origin or country of destination.

Data description

The statistic describes immigration to Denmark and emigration from Denmark in the period.

Classification system

Not relevant for these statistics.

Sector coverage

Not relevant for these statistics.

Statistical concepts and definitions

Immigration: The numbers for immigration comprise persons, who took up residence in Denmark during the year and who had residence abroad before. Asylum seekers who obtain residence permits are included in the number for immigration, when they have their residence permit and are registered in the Danish population register. In Denmark persons who come to Denmark from abroad are required to register in the population when they intend to stay for at least 3 months. Only persons registered in the population register are counted in the numbers for immigration. In the numbers for immigration and emigration the same person can be counted several times. For example a person can immigrate in February, emigrate in June and reimmigrate in November. In a case like that the person´s migration counts as 2 in the number for immigration and 1 in the number for emigration.

The Eurostat regulation 862/2007, which Statistics Denmark also report data for, has another definition regarding when immigration and emigration should be included. In both cases 12 months is used. That means only immigrants who come to Denmark and intend to stay for at least 12 months should be counted as immigrants and only persons who move abroad and intend to stay abroad for at least 12 months should be counted as emigrants. Therefore Eurostat´s numbers for immigration and emigration are as far as Denmark is concerned lower compared to the numbers published by Statistics Denmark.

Emigration: The numbers for emigration comprise persons, who have given up their residence in Denmark during the year and moved abroad. In Denmark persons who intend to move abroad for at least 6 months are required to report it to the population register, where they will be deregistered. Only deregistered persons are counted in the number for emigration. In the numbers for immigration and emigration the same person can be counted several times. For example a person can immigrate in February, emigrate in June and reimmigrate in November. In a case like that the person´s migration count as 2 in the number for immigration and 1 in the number for emigration

The Eurostat regulation 862/2007, which Statistics Denmark also report data for, has another definition regarding when immigration and emigration should be included. In both cases 12 months is used. That means only immigrants who come to Denmark and intend to stay for at least 12 months should be counted as immigrants and only persons who move abroad and intend to stay abroad for at least 12 months should be counted as emigrants. Therefore Eurostat´s numbers for immigration and emigration are as far as Denmark is concerned lower compared to the numbers published by Statistics Denmark.

Statistical unit


Statistical population

For immigration the population is immigrated persons during the period. For emigration the population is emigrated persons during the period

Reference area

The statistic can be broken down to the municipal level.

Time coverage

Time series from 1980 to 2013 is available in the Statbank.

Base period

Not relevant for these statistics.

Unit of measure


Reference period

01-01-2016 - 31-12-2016

Frequency of dissemination

Quarterly and annually.

Legal acts and other agreements

The statistics is based the Danish CPR system, which can be used for statistical purposes in accordance with "Lov om Danmarks Statistik §6 (jf. lovbekendtgørelse nr. 599 af 22. juni 2000)".

There is a EU regulation 862/2007 regarding migration statistics. In order to fulfill the requirements of this regulation special calculations are made. The results of these do not correspond to what we publish on a National level.

Cost and burden

There is almost no cost associated with the collection of data, since all data comes from administrative registers.


For further information contact Statistics Denmark.