Statistical processing
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Food IndustriesKarsten Kjeld Larsen
+45 21 29 55 76
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Data are annually collected from all extractors on land. The reported data are controlled for errors by comparing changes over time in the municipalities and for the totals for each resource category. Figures for raw materials extracted from the sea are controlled for errors in the same way.
Source data
The five regions collect figures for all extractors and pass them to Statistics Denmark. Figures concerning the extraction of raw materials from the sea are received from the Ministry of Environment.
Frequency of data collection
Data is collected annually.
Data collection
Data on mining and quarrying on land is collected by The Danish Regions and transferred to Statistics Denmark through a system to system solution.
Data on the extraction of raw materials from the sea is received and treated by Environmental Ministry.
Data validation
The submitted data is subject to validation. If the reported figures deviate considerably from earlier records he enterprise in question is asked to confirm the correctness of the returned figures figures. It is assumed that not all errors in submitted forms are detected and thereby the statistic are subject to some uncertainty connected to report errors. The error checking focuses on the reports with most impact on the results, and the uncertainty connected to report errors is therefore normally considered quite low, especially when it is on aggregated level.
Data compilation
Mining and quarrying statistics are a census. Data is being validated and Figures are published at an municipality, regional and national level.
Not relevant for these statistics.