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National Accounts, Climate and EnvironmentPeter Rørmose Jensen
+45 40 13 51 26
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The multiplier tables are relevant for all those who would like to be able to calculate a general estimate of the effects on variables such as production, employment, imports etc.. when demand increases in an industry or one final use. It is an obvious choice for people who need to prepare and assess various policy initiatives who can use the multipliers to get an initial estimate of policy implications for key economic variables.
The multiplier tables are ready to use and requires no prior knowledge of input-output modeling.
User Needs
In the period from the mid-eighties to 2011, the publication Danish input-output tables and analyzes was published annually. The book was a work of reference that contained many of the same tables that have now been published in StatBank Denmark. After the publication of this publication, there have been ongoing inquiries from users who miss the old publication and the multipliers that were in it. As a result, Statistics Denmark has had to calculate multipliers ad hoc, often against payment by users. With the new tables published in StatBank Denmark, part of the user needs will be satisfied.
In particular, it is the employment content multipliers in, for example, housing investments or the import content of the exports that have been in demand.
There will probably be user needs which are not met in this first edition of the tables. It could, for example, be time series of multipliers in fixed prices, which will show a structural development over time in e.g. direct and indirect labor requirements . It might also be a request for more up-to-date multipliers. Statistics Denmark is happy to hear about any wishes for content in the multiplier tables, which are not covered in the current edition.
User Satisfaction
This statistics is published for the first time June 2019, so there have been no reactions from users yet.
Data completeness rate
Not relevant for this statistics.