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Oil and natural gas in the North Sea

The statistics is used for analysis and forecasting by ministries, industry associations, research institutions and consultants and other who want an overview of the relationships between the economy and the environment.

User Needs

The natural resource accounts for oil and natural gas is part of Statistics Denmark's environmental-economic accounts. The external users of the environmental accounts is comprised of government departments, industry associations, research institutions, consultants and others who want an overview of the relationships between the economy and the environment. Monetary natural resource accounts, where the physical accounts has been valued, can be used in analyzes of sustainability and the wealth of a country's total wealth and is also a step towards a real 'green' GDP (depletion adjusted GDP).

User Satisfaction

The user group on environmental-economic accounting and statistics hold at least one meeting per year. All or part of these meetings has a seminar form, where there may be more participants from the institutions represented in the group. The following institutions and organizations have a representative in the group: Statistics Denmark, Business and Growth Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Climate, Energy and Building Department, Ministry of Environment, Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Fisheries, Ministry of Transport, Economic Affairs and the Interior Ministry, the Energy Agency, the Environmental Protection Agency, Danish Industries, the Danish Chamber of Commerce. Information on the user satisfaction is not collected separately but user needs and satisfaction are discussed within the forum of this group.

Data completeness rate

Natural resource accounts are compiled in accordance with international recommendations from the UN, Eurostat and others and, compared to existing knowledge, covers the amount of oil and natural gas reserves in the North Sea.