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Payments by the Ministry of Culture

Payments by the Ministry of Culture is presented on the subject page for Education, economy and employment in the cultural field. The results are published annually through a News Article from Statistics Denmark and a series of interactive StatBank Denmark tables showing i.a. the geographical distribution of payments as well as sums and characteristics of personal and company recipients.

Release calendar

The publication date appears in the release calendar. The date is confirmed in the weeks before.

Release calendar access

The Release Calender can be accessed on our English website: Release Calender.

User access

Statistics are always published at 8:00 a.m. at the day announced in the release calendar. No one outside of Statistics Denmark can access the statistics before they are published.

News release

An annual newsletter regarding the payments of the Ministry of Culture is published in Danish.


Main results are from 2016 and onwards published in the annual publication of Culture 2021/2022.

On-line database

Tables relevant for the statistics are denoted KUBSXX or BIAXX and may be found at StatBank Denmark under the heading Culture and Leisure/Education, economy and employment in the cultural field/Funding and payments in the cultural field.

The statistics include the following tables:

  • KUBS01 shows the Ministry of Culture's payments for cultural purposes.

  • KUBS02B (from 2017) shows the geographical distribution in the case area of ​​the Ministry of Culture's payments by cultural subject, type of financing and price unit (total amount and kroner per inhabitant). In relation to previous tables, allocation of case area has been expanded for different types of recipients, and it is possible in the table to examine the geographical distribution by switching between the state institutions' case area being nationwide or local.

  • KUBS04B: Like KUBS02B, but only includes payments specifically targeted at children and young people and also shows per capita figures pba. inhabitants up to 18 years.

  • KUBS05 and KUBS06 only include payments to personal recipients: KUBS05 shows the number of personal recipients by geography (residence), gender and age group KUBS06 shows the Ministry of Culture's payments to persons distributed geographically by recipients 'residence, by cultural subjects and by recipients' gender and age group.

  • KUBS07 and KUBS08 only include payments to companies: KUBS07 shows the number of workplaces that receive payments from the Ministry of Culture by geography (location), company form and company size. KUBS08 shows the Ministry of Culture's payments to companies geographically by location of workplaces, on cultural topics as well as by company form and company size.

  • KUBS09B and KUBS10B: As KUBS02B, but only includes payments specifically targeted respectively. research (KUBS09B) and education (KUBS10B).

  • KUBS11 only includes payments specifically targeted at international purposes, and shows the distribution between country types (case and recipient country), cultural topics and countries / country groupings.

  • Payments of library money to authors and translators form a subset of the Ministry of Culture's disbursements, and are described in separate tables, BIA01 and BIA02. All payments here belong to the cultural subject Literature & Books, and the tables show, by analogy with KUBS05 and KUBS06, the distribution of number of persons and payments by geography (residence), sex and age.

  • The Statbank table LABY40 shoes The Ministry of Culture's average payments to personal recipients by municipality groups and cultural domains. The Statbank table is based on KUBS05 which shows the personal recipients of the Ministry of Culture's payments and KUBS06 which shows the size of the payments. The municipality groups of the LABY table can be found from the following link.

Micro-data access

At present, micro-data sets are not accessible for researchers etc.


Not relevant for these statistics.

Confidentiality - policy

Statistics Denmark's general guidelines for data confidentiality (only in Danish).

Confidentiality - data treatment

Confidentiality of individual work places is achieved by deletion of cells with 1 or 2 companies from the data set.

Documentation on methodology

No supplementary documentation exists.

Quality documentation

Results from the quality evaluation of products and selected processes are available in detail for each statistics and in summary reports for the Working Group on Quality.