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Food Industries, Business Statistics
Mona Larsen
+45 24 81 68 47

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The pigs survey is of great interest to EU, the Ministry of Environment and Food, The Danish Association of Slaughterhouses and others farmer´s organizations, but also students and interested people in general. The most important purposes of pig surveys are to provide a basis base for forecasts of pigs for slaughter. The statistics are used in financially and environment studies.

User Needs

The pig survey is of great interest to EU, the Ministry of Environment and Food, The Danish Association of Slaughterhouses and others farmer´s organizations, but also students and interested people in general. The most important purposes of pig surveys are to provide a base for forecasts of pigs for slaughter. The statistics are used in financially and environment studies.

User Satisfaction

There is no expert group linked to the statistics, but there is ongoing dialogue with the users of the statistics.

Data completeness rate

This statistics affected by demands from EU in 1165/2008.