Statistical presentation
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Food IndustriesSimone Thun
+45 51 36 92 51
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The Statistics contains for almost all items, monthly, quarterly and yearly information of agricultural prices, as well on sale products as on most products used in the intermediate consumption including capital formation. Some prices are only obtainable as price indices only, especially regarding intermediate consumption. The statistics covers both agriculture and horticulture. The collection of data for these statistics has not been affected by COVID-19.
Data description
The statistics consist partly of a number of actual prices and partly of indices. The indices of the individual products are compared to sub-indices as well as a total index of sales products and a total index of consumption in production, as well as fixed investment goods in agriculture.
The statistics follow largely the same product groups as in the calculation of agricultural gross factor income, except for, for example, secondary products, machine station services and indirect bank costs. Conversely - and quite significantly - the statistics contain the development in prices of agricultural investment goods, ie. in machinery, fixtures, buildings and basic improvements.
The measurement point for information is on the delivery of sales products from a farm (farm) and on the arrival of consumables to the farm (farm).These are prices for goods picked up or delivered at the farm.
The purpose of the statistics is to illustrate current shifts in primary agricultural prices, as an indication of the development of the agricultural economy. Until the late 1980s, the directly related business cycle statistics were published on a monthly basis and since quarterly. From 2013 supplemented with annual publication as a result of merging with other price statistics.
Classification system
The cluster followed is the main branch 01, Agriculture, hunting, forestry and fishing. For more details see Dansk Branchekode DB07.
Sector coverage
Agriculture and Horticulture.
Statistical concepts and definitions
Off farm:
On site (farm):
Investment goods in agriculture:
Statistical unit
The units in the statistics are the products sold by the primary producers and the products and services purchased by the producers. Sales products are calculated in 100 kg (eg cereals, vegetables, meat) and par. or 100 pcs. (eg piglets and potted plants). Furthermore, on the cost side 100 kWh (el) and 1000 l (oil).
Statistical population
The population consists of the goods and services that the primary producers sell and buy.
Reference area
Time coverage
The statistics cover the period from 2005 and above the monthly prices for selected agricultural products, 2010 for monthly prices for houseplants, while the index is from 2010 and above quarterly and annual index. Older data is aqvailable and can be found in closed tables in the statistics stat bank. In addition, there are data in the publication Landbrugsstatistik .
Base period
Base year is changing every 5 years. Up until 2023, 2015 was used as base year (2015=100). From 2024, the base year is 2020=100.
Unit of measure
Monthly prices are expressed in absolute values, i.e. crowns (DKK). For quarters, there are indices. Prices are without VAT. Potted plants have monthly index, year to date prices and price development.
Reference period
Calendar month, quarter and calendar year.
Frequency of dissemination
Monthly, quarterly and annually.
Legal acts and other agreements
The right to collect data can be found in the Law on Statistics Denmark § 1, cf. Consolidated Act no. 1189 of 21 December 1992 with the changes imposed by § 1 of the Law no. 295 of 2 May 2000.
The basis for collecting price information in the field of agriculture is the overall EU Council Regulation on national accounts statistics and regulations relating to production information and calculation of the economy of the agricultural sector, in particular the act on Economic Account for Agriculture (2004/138) and legal acts on animal production. A common manual about the quarterly prices indices and also absolute prices, "Agricultural Prices and Indices", is developed in Eurostat.
Cost and burden
Since there are very different types of alerts, some of them via agricultural organizations, and there is no overall reporting burden. The vast majority of sources for the collection are collected for other statistics.
Further information can be found at the Price and indices for agriculture for these statistics, or by contacting Statistics Denmark directly.
The collection of data for these statistics has not been affected by COVID-19.