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Statistical processing

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Labour Market, Social Statistics
Lars Peter Smed Christensen
+45 20 42 35 51

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Public sector employment (quarterly)

The data source of the statistics is the eIncome Register of Statistics Denmark. This is combined with information on e.g. public account numbers from public reports.

Data are always quality controlled at a cross-level between COFOG and the subsectors of general government.

The COFOG distributions are revised occasionally and data are revised in accordance with the data source. Time-series are seasonally adjusted.

Source data

The data source of the statistics is the eIncome Register of Statistics Denmark. This is combined with information on e.g. public account numbers from public reports.

Frequency of data collection

Data originate from SKAT (the Danish Customs and Tax Administration), and the eIncome Register of Statistics Denmark includes monthly data. Data are combined with monthly data on wages and salary in the general government sector regarding e.g. account numbers (municipal, regional and governmental).

Data collection

Data originate from SKAT (the Danish Customs and Tax Administration). Data are combined with monthly data on wages and salary in the General Government sector regarding e.g. account numbers (municipal, regional and governmental).

Data validation

Data are always quality controlled at a cross-level between COFOG and the subsectors of general government. Quality controls are sometimes also carried out on e.g. municipality, region, ministry or other relevant distribution that may influence the aggregated results.

Data compilation

The public employment statistics are based on the same data source as the statistics, Employment statistics for employees. However, the statistics, Employment statistics for employees, cover all sectors and all sectors and all industries.

The public employment statistics only cover general government and its subsectors and the classification by COFOG is only carried out it in this statistics.

The classification by COFOG groups constitutes an estimated distribution based on information from the data reported on earnings as well as a distribution key constructed on the basis of information total wage and salary costs classified by functions in the National Accounts statistics for the general government sector. The municipal/regional data reports contain information on account numbers in accordance with the chart of accounts of the Danish Ministry of Economic Affairs and Interior, and the central government data reports contain similar information in accordance with the chart of accounts of the central government.

The COFOG classification is mainly carried out by applying distributions keys between account numbers and COFOG. However, additional distribution keys are constructed in the statistics and applied in cases where account numbers are missing or incomplete. The most important additional distribution key is a key between industries and COFOG.

Data are always quality controlled at a cross-level between COFOG and the subsectors of general government. Quality controls are sometimes also carried out on e.g. municipality, region, ministry or other relevant distribution that may influence the aggregated results.

The seasonally adjustment by general government and its subsectors applied in the statistics is based on the seasonally adjustment by sectors and overall industries used in the statistics, Employment statistics for employees. However, the statistics, Employment statistics for employees, cover all sectors and all sectors and all industries.

The seasonally adjusted time-series by purpose (classifications of functions - COFOG) are only compiled and applied in the public employment statistics.


The statistics publish provisional figures and data are revised both in accordance with the data source and information related to COFOG distributions.

The seasonally adjusted time-series are revised in accordance with any new release.