Statistical processing
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Science, Technology and CultureHelle Månsson
+45 23 47 32 96
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The statistical treatment of data primarily concerns the creation of derived variables and formatting of the data.
Source data
The statistics is based on a survey questionnaire and based on responses from 1,611 public workplaces, from a sample of 4,494 workplaces among a population of approximately 14,297 public workplaces. Workplaces are randomly drawn depending on number of employees, government level (Government, Regions, Municipalities) and the activity of the workplace.
Frequency of data collection
The survey is a continuation of surveys carried out for the reference periods 2015-2016 and 2018-2019.
Data collection
A Web-questionnaire was used for the collection of data.
Data validation
No checking of data has been implemented, as the questions are all of qualitative character, where the viewpoint of the respondent is the base of the response. At the same time, the use of a web-based survey has meant that no questions could be left unanswered, and neither was it possible for respondents to give answers to questions they should no respond to (item non-response).
Data compilation
The data collected has been weighted to correct for non-response.
Not relevant for these statistics.