Statistical presentation
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Short Term StatisticsMathias Dybdahl Bluhme
+45 40 22 56 37
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Rail transport statistics contains information passenger and goods transport on Danish rail network irrespective of the nationality of the operator on a quarterly basis. On a yearly basis the statistics contains information on railway infrastructure and rolling vehicle stock, investments in infrastructure and rolling vehicles, and rail accidents.
Data description
Rail transport statistics contain information on
- Passenger and goods transport by rail: the number of passenger and weight and type of goods
- Railway infrastructure and rolling vehicle stock: the length of rails and network characteristics, e.g. interlocking or train stops, and number of locomotives and wagons
- Investments in railway infrastructure and rolling vehicles: Investments in rail network and service buildings etc. and investments in locomotives and wagons
- *Rail Accidents by type *
The statistics on freight transport are divided into the transport types national and international transport as well as transit transport. The statistics are also broken down by train type, track length and carriage type.
Classification system
Classifications specified in the EU legislation are used. Primarily it is the classification of the type of goods according to the Standard goods classification for transport statistics (NST 2007) and the classification on dangerous goods.
The statistics are distributed geographically by country and region according to the classification on Regions, provinces and municipalities.
Sector coverage
Rail transport in Denmark incl. S-trains, Metro and Light rail.
Statistical concepts and definitions
Container: A container is a specialized box for transporting goods, sturdy and stackable, capable of being moved horizontally and vertically.
Goods transport performance: A measure of the transport production. Unit of measurement of goods transport which represents the transport of one tonne of goods over a distance of one kilometre.
Speed and train stop control: Safety system, capable of automatically decelerating the train should it exceed the speed limit, and ensuring the train halts at red signals.
Intermodal transport unit: Intermodal transport unit (e.g. container unit) used for any given transport of goods.
Passenger transport performance: Unit of measurement representing the transport of the total distance travelled of all passengers.
Semi-trailer (unaccompanied): A semi-trailer is a vehicle designed for transporting goods. The semi-trailer is specifically constructed to be pulled by a tractor unit. It lacks a front axle and is designed so that a portion of the vehicle and a significant part of the cargo weight rest on the tractor unit. In a semi-trailer train, the semi-trailer is coupled with a tractor unit. When a semi-trailer is transported unaccompanied, it is transported without the tractor unit, and therefore without a driver.
Centralised traffic control: System that centrally controls traffic flow and track switching.
Train: A locomotive or tractive vehicle combined with passenger or goods wagon. One or several coupled trainsets are considered a train. A tractive vehicle (locomotive) alone is not a train.
Rail passenger: Any person, both paying and non-paying, undertaking a journey by railway. Railway personnel on duty are not included.
Trainset: An indivisible block of railcar(s) and railcar trailer(s) or locomotives(s) and passenger railway vehicle(s).
Traffic performance: Concept used to measure and compare traffic activity. Indicates the distance traveled by the transport unit in kilometers. For rail transport, the unit of measurement is train kilometers, and for road transport, the unit of measurement is vehicle kilometers.
Swap body: Transport unit that is sturdy enough for repeated use but not for being lifted by the superstructure or for being stacked with cargo. It is designed for intermodal transport where at least one stage involves road transport.
Statistical unit
The unit used in dissemination is the rail network.
Statistical population
Operators and infrastructure management on the Danish rail network.
Reference area
Time coverage
Few of the time series starts in 1990. Then from 2006 and onwards more time series has been added due to demands from the EU-regulation.
Base period
Not relevant for this statistics.
Unit of measure
- Passenger transport in number of persons and in passenger-kilometer (number of passengers times performed distance, passenger-km)
- Goods transport in tonnes and tonnes-kilometer (tonnes times performed km)
- vehicle kilometer in vehicle-km (train times performed km)
- Investments in DKK (Danish Kroner) in current and fixed prices
- Length of rail network in kilometers
- Train traffic in number of trains
- Rolling stock in number of train sets
- Capacity in number of seats (for passenger trains) or carrying capacity (for goods trains)
- Accidents in persons
Reference period
Quarter or calendar year.
Frequency of dissemination
Goods and passenger transport are compiled quarterly. Other parts of the statistics are compiled annually.
Legal acts and other agreements
Data collection is authorised by the Law on Statistics Denmark, section 8, cf. order no. 610 of 30 May 2018.
Statistics on rail transport are compiled according to European Parliament and Council regulation 2018/643 of 18 April 2018 on Statistics on railway transport.
Cost and burden
The administrative burden on reporting enterprises are very low.
Additional information can be found at the statistic's subject page.