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Rent indices for commercial real estate (Experimental statistics)

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Prices and consumption, Economic Statistics.
Sigrid Krogstrup Jensen
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Rent indices for commercial real estate (Experimental statistics) 2024

The rent indices for commercial real estate is an experimental statistics for rented property units in the commercial real estate market. The purpose of the statistics is to measure change over time. The statistics is published since 2023 with indices going back to 2021.

Statistical presentation

The statistics is a quarterly statistics for the Denmark.

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Statistical processing

The rent indices is based on a sample of commercial real estate that are privately rented. The sample covers app. 140,000 property units out of a population of app. 700,000 property units. The index is calculated by the match models method, i.e. the change in rent is measured by comparing the rent of the same property unit between two adjacent periods.

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The statistics is primary used as a business cycle indicator by the European Systemic Risk Board and the European Central Bank. Other uses of the statistics is to shed light on developments of rent in the rental market for commercial real estate.

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Accuracy and reliability

It is not possible to quantify the statistical uncertainty in the rent indices for commercial real estate because the sample is not randomly drawn from the population, thus there is a potential for a sample bias.. The rent is collected on the first day of the first month of the relevant quarter. Thus, there will be uncertainty associated with changes to the rent within the quarter that are not captured.

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Timeliness and punctuality

The statistic is published on the 15th or the first working day thereafter, in the first month after the quarter. Only final indices are published.

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The calculation is based on a uniform basis since 2021. The statistics is not necessary comparable with other statistics that cover the same population due to differences in calculation method.

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Accessibility and clarity

The statistics is published under the subject of Rent indices for housing.

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