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Science, Technology and Culture
Anne-Sofie Dam Bjørkman
+45 20 37 54 60

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Research and development in the public sector

There is a general political objective of increasing the share of GDP, which is applied for research and development, and in the light of this objective, there is great interest in compiling statistics on research and development. The main users are Ministries, public authorities, business organisations, researchers, private business enterprises and the media. In addition, the European Commission (The statistical office Eurostat) and the OECD are important users. Data are available for purposes of research.

User Needs

There is a general political objective of increasing the share of GDP, which is applied for research and development, and in the light of this objective, there is great interest in compiling statistics on research and development. The main users are Ministries, public authorities, business organisations, researchers, private business enterprises and the media. In addition, the European Commission (The statistical office Eurostat) and the OECD are important users.

Data are available for purposes of research.

User Satisfaction

The main users of the statistics are represented in a Users Committee that meets regularly. No specific survey regarding user satisfaction has been carried out.

Data completeness rate

There are no data cells missing in transmissions to Eurostat.