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It can be problems in comparing figures over time. This is because the data are only collected every five years.

Comparability - geographical

The data are provided to Eurostat (according to EU's regulation). It is considered that there are good comparability across countries, because the statistics should be produced by common guidelines and principles.

Comparability over time

It can be problems in comparing figures over time. This is because the data are only collected for the year 2015.

Coherence - cross domain

At national level the data for the statistics are grossed up to the provisional turnover from the statistic Purchases and sales of enterprises and the Danish Accounts Statistics. The final turnover is not available at the time when data are grossed up. At European level the data for the statistics are grossed up to the level of the final turnover of the Danish Accounts Statistics.

Coherence - internal

Not relevant for these statistics.