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Prices and ConsumptionJakob Holmgaard
+45 24 87 64 56
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Comparable house sales statistics for all EU member states can be found on the Eurostats website where figures are published around 100 days after the end of a quarter (reference period).
Comparability - geographical
Comparable house sales statistics for all EU member states can be found on the Eurostats website where figures are published around 100 days after the end of a quarter (reference period).
Comparability over time
The statistics on cooperative housing was first published as an official statistics i november 2023. Previous publications have been experimental and they have been replaced by the official statistics i Statbank tables.
Coherence - cross domain
There are no other statistics on cooperative housing in Denmark.
Coherence - internal
I EJEN99 the distribution of valuation principles sums to 100 within each quarter.
In EJ99 the information for on-family houses and apartment is gathered from EJ55. Based on the published indices (one decimal) a rescaling is carried out so that 2015 = 100. This means that the price development based on the index level 2015 = 100 can deviate with +/- 0,1 percentage points compared to the index level with 2006 = 100 in EJ55.