Statistical processing
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Food Industries, Business StatisticsMona Larsen
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The statistics on slaughtering of animals cover all slaughtered animals by Danish slaughterhouses distributed by cattle, pigs, sheep and lambs, poultry and horses. The statistics are broken down by category of animals. To this is added the external trade statistics providing data on live animals. The statistics provide information on the number of slaughtered and live animals exported and meat production (the quantity of edible meat in kg). The figures on production only cover meat for human consumption. The statistics also provide data on a wide range of prices and price quotations.
Source data
The primary data are collected from a wide range of sources. The important data providers are public institutions , trade and industry organizations Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Fisheries of Denmark and specifically selected private business enterprises (Danish Agriculture and Food).
Data on external trade are extracted from Statistics Denmark's external trade statistics and data are also received from the Agricultural Tax Funds.
For further information on the specific use of the individual sources, see section. 3.5 computing
Frequency of data collection
Data are collected both weekly, monthly, quarterly and yearly. Every week information on the number of slaughtered cattle (number, average slaughter weight and settlement price) is received distributed among different groups of animals. Every month, information on all slaughtering (both in number, weight) from the Danish Food Administration (Meat Control Secretariat) is received, in addition, specific information regarding the slaughtering from Agriculture & Food is received.
Data collection
Statistics Denmark compiles statistics on meat with regard to slaughtering of animals on the basis of figures from the Danish Food Industry Agency and the Danish Agriculture and Food (Danish Agriculture and Food is a joint professional and administrative unit for the sector of Danish pork, beef, poultry meat and eggs) providing information on the total number of slaughtered animals at Danish slaughterhouses and abattoirs, while exports of slaughtering of live animals are compiled in the official Danish external trade statistics, supplemented by information from duty funds in agriculture. Slaughtering of animals at producers is roughly estimated.
Data validation
All data are controlled with data from earlier periods.
Data compilation
The calculations of the slaughtering include all slaughtering at slaughterhouses and slaughterhouses, distributed among cattle, pigs, sheep and lambs, poultry and horses, which is divided into categories of animals. In addition, there are foreign trade in live animals. The number of slaughtered and live animals exported and the production of meat (amount of edible meat in kilograms) are reported. The statistics also include a large number of prices and quotations. Among other things. average prices per kg slaughtered weight and sales value in mill. Danish Kroner for the individual categories of animals.
Production of meat
The production of meat is estimated on the basis of the number of slaughtered animals and average slaughtered weight for each category of animals. The total production of meat comprises meat from recognized slaughtering and the production of edible offal. The production with regard to poultry meat is compiled as ready-to-cook weight.
The production of edible fat, which is not contained in the production of meat, is also compiled.
Prices and values
The value of slaughtering is in Denmark compiled on the basis of the quantities produced and the average producer prices that have been achieved. Furthermore, amounts from any schemes with direct payment to the producer on the basis of the production are also included. After 1995, EU grants for cattle and sheep are excluded from the calculation of production values. For exports of live animals, export values (fob) minus costs involved in the sale and transport of animals are applied.
The production of beef and veal
The production of beef and veal comprises recognized slaughtering at slaughterhouses and abattoirs, exports of slaughtered live animals and slaughtering at the producers. The total number of slaughtering at slaughterhouses and abattoirs is compiled by the Danish Meat Association.
In connection with the weekly data reports forwarded by the Danish slaughterhouse to the Danish Meat Association, comprising 100 pct. of recognized slaughtering, Statistics Denmark receives information on the number of slaughtered animals as well as slaughtered weight the selected groups of animals. The grouping of the slaughter animals and the definition of the slaughter weight meet the requirements of the EU Regulation (EC) No. 1165/2008.
Animals under 300 kg live weight are regarded as calves. Until 1994, this limit was 220 kg.
Edible offal, i.e. livers, hearts, kidneys, tongues, midriffs, head meat, tails, omentum and sweetbread are estimated to reach about 7 pct. of the slaughtered weight.
For exports of live cattle for slaughtering, the meat production is estimated on the basis of the live weight of the animals and a from the slaughtering at the slaughterhouses percentage of the slaughtering for each category of animals in question.
The production of edible offal is estimated in the same way as slaughtering at the slaughterhouses.
From 2020 slaughtering at the producers has been estimated to reach 3,500 units by Statistics Denmark. 1,200 bulls and bull calves, 950 heifers and cow calves and 1,350 cows. This results in a total of 0.9 mio. kg. In the period 2015 to 2019 slaughtering at the producers has been estimated to reach 4,000 units by Statistics Denmark. 1,500 bulls and bull calves, 1,000 heifers and cow calves and 1,500 cows. This results in a total of 1.0 mio. kg. In the period 2005 to 2014 slaughtering at the producers has been estimated to reach 6,000 units by Statistics Denmark. 2,000 bulls and bull calves, 2,000 heifers and cow calves and 2,000 suckler cows. This results in a total of 1.2 mio. kg.
Prices and values
Average prices of cattle for slaughtering at the producer and the price quotation for cattle for slaughtering and breeding cattle are provided. For exports of live cattle, the export value (fob) is applied as 20 pct. for breeding animals and 7.5 pct. for slaughtered animals are deducted.
For slaughtering in Denmark, the value is estimated separately for each individual category of animals by applying prices to the producers and weighing of these prices in relation to the classification of animals. Moreover, the amounts, which have been paid directly to the producers on the basis of production, are included. In addition to the direct settlement, a deferred payment has usually been granted.
From 2005, the EU reform implies that most existing premiums have been changed to the one-off payment scheme. The only production-dependent EU grants from 2005 are the male-animal premium, which is reduced by 25 pct. in relation to the 2004 level. The premium values are given in Statistics Denmark's annual publication Landbrug "Agricultural Statistics".
The production of pork comprises recognized slaughtering at slaughterhouses and abattoirs, exports of live slaughtered animals (including piglets) and slaughtering at producers.
Data on the total number of slaughtering at slaughterhouses and abattoirs are reported by the Danish Veterinary and Foodstuffs Directorate, which are distributed by the following categories: pigs, sows, boars, pigs for slaughtering, young female pigs, for producers (pigs which are to be returned to the producer) and discarded pigs.
Data on the stock of pork are forwarded to Statistics Denmark 4 times every year.
Data on average settlement weights are submitted by the Federation of Danish Pig Producers and Slaughterhouses. The settlement weight reflects the weight of the warm carcase converted into cold slaughtered weight, which accounts for 98.2 pct. of the settlement weight. The slaughtered weight excludes edible offal.
The production of pork, inclusive of edible offal, is estimated on the basis of the average slaughtered weight and the number of pigs. The production of edible offal which comprises livers, hearts, kidneys, tongues and midriffs is estimated as 4.25 pct. of the slaughtered weight until 2004 and after 2005 4 pct. is applied.
Data on imports and exports of pigs and pork are compiled by means of extracts from Statistics Denmark's official external trade statistics, supplemented by information from duty funds in agriculture.
For exports of live pigs for slaughtering, the meat production is estimated on the basis of the live weight of the animals and an average exercise rate of 79 pct., which is inclusive of edible offal. The live exports of pigs comprise mainly piglets. In 2007, exports reached 81 pct.
The number of slaughtered animals at the producers is roughly estimated by Statistics Denmark and comprises home slaughtering only, as the slaughtering for own consumption, which on behalf of the producer is carried out at the Danish slaughterhouses, is included in the statistics on slaughtering compiled by the Danish Veterinary and Foodstuffs Directorate. From 2020 the number of slaughtered animals at the producers is fixed at 3,000 pigs annually (corresponding to 225,000 kilo of meat). From 2005 to 2020 the number of slaughtered animals at the producers is fixed at 24,000 pigs annually (corresponding to 1.8 mio. kg of meat), while the number was previously fixed at 220,000 pigs (corresponding to 16.5 mio. kg of meat).
Prices and values
For slaughtered pigs the price quotation of the cooperative slaughterhouses is given, which is a weighted average fixed on a weekly basis. The price quotations are fixed per warm kg of slaughtered weight (settlement weight). Within the weight interval 50 - 109.9 kg of slaughtered pigs paid is settled from a basic price quotation with a varying fixed weight interval (about 70 pct. of the slaughtered pigs), and outside the weight interval of the basic price quotation, weight reductions are undertaken. Prices for pigs are regulated in accordance with the meat percentage. In the case of pigs with a sickness file, allowance for deductions is taken. In addition to the price quotation a deferred payment is usually granted.
The average of price quotations for slaughtered sows, breeding pigs and piglets are given for producer prices of pigs.
For exports of live pigs, the export value (fob) is applied, as 15 pct. is deducted from this value for covering the costs involved in sale and transport of the animals.
For slaughtering in Denmark, the value is separately estimated for 7 groups of animals. The value of slaughtered pigs and sows is estimated on the basis of the average settlement prices to the producers, inclusive of supplements of deferred payment, which are calculated by the Federation of Danish Pig Producers and Slaughterhouses.
In connection with settlement the deductions that have been made are adjusted. Furthermore, the amounts, which have been directly paid to the producers on the basis of the production, are included.
Poultry meat
The statistics show data on the total number of slaughtering at the poultry slaughterhouses in units and ready-to-cook weight in addition to a classification of the categories: slaughtered chickens, hens, ducks, geese and turkeys. Ready-to-cook weight is analogous with the slaughtered weight of the other species of animals.
Statistics on slaughtering and production (ready-to-cook) of poultry meat at the authorized poultry slaughterhouses and sales on the domestic market, exports and stock changes are compiled by the Danish Poultry Council, which prepares production statistics on the basis of data reported from each individual poultry slaughterhouse. The data reported concerning slaughtering, production and exports are distributed by the different species of poultry. Imports of live poultry meat are compiled by Statistics Denmark in the official external trade statistics.
Data on the slaughtering of poultry at the producers are from 2005 and are estimated at 1.4 mio. kg annually by Statistics Denmark and comprise own consumption of the producers as well as sales directly to the consumers. The figure was previously 5.1 mio. kg.
Statistics on exports and imports of slaughtered poultry distributed by meat of hens and chickens, ducks, geese and turkeys and slaughtered offal are also compiled by Statistics Denmark. The quantities stated are the actual exported quantities in terms of product weight.
Prices and value
Data on weekly price quotations for slaughtered chickens are collected, which are fixed weekly by private poultry slaughterhouses. The quotation excludes supplements and deductions. For exports of live poultry, the export value (fob) is applied, as 15 pct. are deducted from this value for costs involved in sale and transport of the animals.
For slaughtering in Denmark, the value is estimated separately for groups of poultry (chickens for slaughtering, hens, ducks, geese and turkeys) on the basis of producer prices of the cooperative poultry slaughterhouses (quotations + supplements deductions) and a weighing in relation to the classification. These prices are per kg of live weight, but are converted to apply for the ready-to-cook weight in which the production is estimated.
Sheep and lamb meat
Slaughtering and meat production comprise partly slaughtering at slaughterhouses and abattoirs partly exports of live animals for slaughtering. Slaughtered animals for consumption by the producers are excluded from the figures. About 65 pct. of the slaughtering is carried out in the second half of the year.
The production of sheep and lamb meat is estimated on the basis of data reported by the Danish Food Industry Agency concerning slaughtering of sheep and lamb and by duty funds in agriculture concerning exports of live animals.
Prices and value
The value of slaughtering in Denmark is estimated on the basis of the slaughtered value and price quotations for sheep and lamb (sales value ex farmer) fixed by the Danish Livestock and Meat Board. For exports of live animals, the export value (fob) is applied as 15 pct. are deducted from this value for costs involved in sale and transport of the animals. The value of sales of wool is roughly estimated. The ewe premium is excluded from the sales values, in 2006 the ewe premiums reached DKK 5.7 mio and in 2007 DKK 4.9 mio.
Horse meat The total production of horse meat comprises recognized slaughtering in Denmark and exports of live horses for slaughtering. The production of meat from slaughtering in Denmark is estimated on the basis of the total number of slaughtered horses and foals and an overall fixed average slaughtered weight for horses and foals of 300 kg per animal. For exports of live horses for slaughtering, the meat production is estimated on the basis of the live weight of the animals and a slaughtering rate of 48 pct.
Prices and value
The value of slaughtering in Denmark is estimated on the basis of a fixed average live weight of 625 kg per animal and price quotations for horses for slaughtering by the Danish Board of Horse Slaughterhouses. For exports of live animals, the export value (fob) is applied as 15 pct. are deducted from this value for costs involved in sale and transport of the animals.
The latest published data is preliminary, data correction may occur when the final data is received. These choral sections can, in rare cases, go back to the start of the year.