Statistical presentation
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Short Term StatisticsMathias Dybdahl Bluhme
+45 40 22 56 37
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The statistics describe quarterly changes in the stocks of manufacturing and whole sale.
Data description
The primary purpose of the statistics is to deliver timely figures for changes in stocks for use in the quarterly national accounts statistics. The statistics describe quarterly changes in the stocks of whole sale.
Classification system
Industrial activity is classified according to Dansk Branchekode 2007, which is the Danish national classification based on NACE rev. 2.
- Sale, repair and maintenance of motor vehicles etc.
- Cereals and feeding stuffs
- Food, beverages and tobacco
- Textiles and household goods
- IT-equipment
- Other machinery
- Other specialized wholesale
Sector coverage
Wholesale is inclusive of trade in cars and other motor vehicles, except for retail trade when this can be separated. Wholesale is all NACE rev. 2 codes beginning with 45 and 46, except 45.11.20 (national activity code for retail), 45.20 and 45.32.
Statistical concepts and definitions
Stock Change: The difference in the stock at two different points in time. For this statistics, the stock change in the current quarter is the difference between the stock by the end of the current quarter and the stock by the end of the previous quarter.
Statistical unit
The reporting unit is the kind of activity unit. This is also the unit of statistical observation. A kind of activity unit consists of all local units belonging to the same enterprise and having the same activity code.
Statistical population
Kind of activity units with main activity in wholesale.
Reference area
Stocks owned by Danish enterprises, regardless of their geographical location. Danish enterprises are enterprises with a Danish cvr-number (registration number in Danish business register).
Time coverage
Base period
Base year for calculations in fixed prices is 2015.
Unit of measure
Stocks are reported in 1000 DKK, current prices. Data are published in millions DKK, in current as well as fixed prices.
Reference period
Stock changes from last day of previous quarter to last day of reference quarter.
Frequency of dissemination
Legal acts and other agreements
Section 8 of the Act on Statistics Denmark (Lov om Danmarks Statistik).
The statistics are not subject to any specific EU regulation.
Cost and burden
The burden has been calculated at 535 hours in 2004 corresponding to 236,000 DKK. As of 4th quarter 2013, the response burden is halved, as there is no longer data collection from units in manufacturing for these statistics. Instead data are re-used from the collection for Production and turnover in manufacturing industry.
The statistics have a subject page for manufacturing industries and wholesale